This Might Be Even Better Than Flying A Pride Flag

House flies the LGBTQ Pride flag
(image via Depositphotos)

While living in a neighborhood with a Homeowners Association (HOA) can often ensure your neighbors probably won’t be painting their house Martian green (no offense to Martians), sometimes the rules can inadvertently step on well-meaning toes.

A Redditor recently posted that their HOA had recently revised the rules regarding flags being displayed outside residents’ homes.


“Due to some neighbors flying BLM flags, thin blue line flags, and other opinion flags, our HOA decided last month that we’re only allowed to fly the USA flag, and nothing else,” wrote the poster. “The day after the decision, we received an email that someone reported our Pride flag (that we had on our house since 2016), and that we needed to take it down. We complied and removed the flag.”

But wait – there’s more!

The poster went on to share that they sat down and studied the full set of rules regarding what is and is not allowable in adorning their house. It turns out removable lights are “permitted without restriction.”

So the intrepid Redditor went out and bought several flood lights and bathed the entire home in rainbow pride colors.


Here’s the result:

A house bathed in rainbow lights in celebration of Pride Month
(image via Imgur)

The post has received over 81,000 upvotes and 6,000+ comments.

Here’s just a few of the supportive comments on the thread:


“It looks far more beautiful than just a flag. Bravo on your fabulous compliance!”

“Call that Home-O-Sexuality”

“This is awesome. F*ck HOAs”

“No Home-of-Phobia allowed”


“Woah. The lighting is much better than a simple flag imo”

And yes, we’re aware someone else thought of the idea before…

Remembering when the Obama White House celebrated the landmark Obergefell v. Hodges Supreme Court ruling in 2015 that made marriage equality the law of the land:

Readers – have you ever been told to remove a rainbow flag or other Pride symbols from your home? If so, what did you do?

(Source: Reddit)

2 thoughts on “This Might Be Even Better Than Flying A Pride Flag”

  1. We lived in a home owers private home, and paid rent, she told us it wasn’t her lifestyle, some conservative friends of her alerted her to the flag hanging off our patio, the home owner at that time was an absentee resident for 4 years. Her friends would drop by to check to see if the flag was up when the owner wet back to Montana. We filed a complaint that this couple was trespassing on the property, without our permission since rent was paid to the owner and not her friends, our local Police department had to step in informing them that what they were doing was Harassment and would be arrest if they didn’t stop, no where in the owners lease did it state the property would be checked by this couple. BTW you had to walk onto the property in order to see the flag, not visible from the driveways or the street. We had them for trespassing! We didn’t rock the boat after that but did display when we had small BBQ’s we since have moved from Kona on the Big Island to Honolulu in Oahu, bigger city less smaller minds.


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