New York City’s Maddelynn Hatter has always been one of the most unique queens on the scene. From her larger than life presence to her out of the box performances, Hatter could always be counted on to give a performance like the crowd had never seen before. It was no surprise when she was plucked from New York City to compete on The Boulet Brothers Dragula Season 3, becoming a worldwide sensation. While the world has momentarily paused in terms of performance ability, Hatter pivoted, continuing to craft hair and perform online in the new medium that is gaining more and more attention. I sat down with Hatter as she prepared to head to Asbury Park for her Halloween weekend performance, and this devilish doll gave me the inside scoop on her Dragula experience & let me know what, if anything, still manages to scare Maddelynn Hatter….
Michael Cook: So, it’s been a year to say the least, particularly for the drag community in nightlife. How have you gotten through the year safely? Have you stayed in the city or hunkered down out of New York City?
Maddelynn Hatter: I have been in my apartment for most of the last eight months; I started digital shows. I started styling hair for clients. I’ve just been doing what i can that doesn’t require being around humans. And honestly life got a lot simpler (laughs)!
MC: Drag has so many shades and variances. When did you know that the drag you would be showcasing would be stunningly dark and have a tinge of gorgeous ghoulishness to it?
MH: I’ve always had a dark side to my drag from the jump. There was a time where I think i played with being simply pretty to appease audiences and that part of myself that enjoys being pretty. At the end of the day, I’ve always really loved horror movies more than any other kind. I loved horror comics. And my favorite artist were H.R.Giger & Caravaggio & Marilyn Manson. Tori Amos, & Tool were who I listened to growing up and still do daily so Dragula just made it so I didn’t have to pander anymore to simple minded audiences.
MC: Congrats on a fantastic showing on The Boulet Brothers Dragula. What was the whole experience like for you?
MH: Traumatizing to film and incredibly rewarding. The people I have come to gain as my people has been the most rewarding part in all of this. And I have become so close with my Dragula sisters it has been really lovely.
MC: How has life changed since Dragula? You have gotten to meet amazing fans and travel all over correct?
MD: Yup! We were able to go to Europe and the UK for tour right as Covid had started to be reported in Wuhan, so we got to travel a bit. Interacting with the fans was the best part to be honest.
MC: You are returning to Paradise in Asbury Park for Halloween weekend. Is this one of your first gigs post-pandemic? Paradise always seems to love a visit from Maddelynn Hatter, and what a perfect time to visit!
MH: I Am and I am very excited! Miss Paradise Olivia Lux invited me to join her for a spooky fun moment for all the kids in Asbury! So I’m happy to fly over on my broom stick! I’ve performed twice so far in Bushwick and both were cute; ‘m surprised at how little my feet hurt! I guess the nerve ending have been permanently damaged from all the wear and tear (laughs)!
MC: What’s next for Madelynn Hatter?
MH: I’m still doing my digital shows on Twitch. A streaming app that you can run on your television as well. My channel is called “Theonlymadd” and you just have to search it. I have BANSHEE on Tuesdays at 10pm EST with Evah Destruction & Louisiana Purchase every week and THE MADD HOUR on Saturdays at 6pm. I’m gonna keep turning out hairs because that’s really been paying my bills and keeping me afloat. It also really fricken fun! It is seriously sculpture and a little bit of science.
I’m hoping to start coming out with some fun cool videos for content. And just to keep the spark going for everyone tuning in.
MC: You seem like a pretty fearless performer; what scares Maddelynn Hatter as a performer? What risk do you think you have taken that has paid off the most?
MH: I still get anxiety before shows-no matter how small or big. I just get anxious and i feel like I might poop. Every time. Once I get up there there- not much I’m scared of. Socially speaking, I’ll do whatever. If the number or performance requires it, I’ll fuckin’ go for it to make sure it’s entertaining. I thought I would find out what fears I’d have to face on Dragula, but only to find out there wasn’t anything that scared me really.
MC: How have you stayed inspired and creatively fueled during this time in our country?
MH: If anyone follows me on social media, they know I’m constantly consuming media cuz I get depressed if I don’t stay busy. My mind constantly needs to be “fueled.” I also taught myself some after effects for video manipulation and that been fun for editing and creating projections to perform against. Also having a weekly show schedule doesn’t really allow me to get too complacent thank the powers that be!