Tennessee dad and hairdresser Dan Blevins walked his daughter down the aisle on her wedding day in 2018. It was here that he had a revelation, which he relayed to the Today show earlier this week,
“In 2018, I walked my own daughter down the aisle, and just the thought of someone not having that parent at their wedding or in their life, it was just heartbreaking to me,”
In that moment Blevins decided to “offer himself” to LGBTQ brides and grooms as a stand-in parent on their wedding day. Taking to Tik Tok and uploading a video which quickly went viral,
In the video liked over 16k times, Blevins tells queer brides and grooms,
“We have a big network and it just continues to grow of moms and dads that want to be a part of your big day…Lets help spread the message that there’s parents that want to be there for you on your big day and be your biggest fans.”
That network he is talking about: Tik Tok Stand In Families, a Facebook group with over 34,000 members! One of the members, Kellann Bowman spoke in the Today show segment proudly exclaiming,
“I have 15 bonus kids! Come be a part {of my family}. I’ve got room!”
Today show correspondent Al Roker also echoes the sentiments of many of the group members,
“I was able to walk my oldest daughter down the aisle for her wedding. I don’t think people realize until they are not there the importance of family is in those events.”
As previously reported in People magazine,
“According to a 2018 study from the Human Rights Campaign, 67 percent of LGBTQ youth hear their families make negative comments about LGBTQ people, which leads to 78 percent of them choosing not to come out to their families. Some 48 percent of LGBTQ youth say their families make them feel bad about their identity, the organization said.”
For his part Blevins says his life has been changed for the better after the video went viral, “It has changed my life. It’s shown me that there was so much good in the world where I really hadn’t seen that before.” Judging from the comments left on the TikTok video, this group is adding much-needed good to this world.
“I’m a mom to young boys and I would love to be a mom/sister/aunt for anyone that doesn’t have that. My boys are being raised as allies” – tattooed elephant
“Omg can I volunteer? I’ll be a supportive mom for whoever asks!!!” – maddiesmom
“I want to be a part of this!!! Sign me up! I’ll be the momma crying and celebrating the couple! I love weddings! LOVE IS LOVE!” -user306
“Let me know and I will GLADY! I went to my best friends wedding marrying his husband not caring who it made mad in my family. I’ll walk you down!” – Becca
I would love to be someone’s mama if they needed!! – LisaMraz585
“I’m in Houston and want to be a part of your network! I’m a great mom! I’m also part of Mom’s with Hugs.” – Lisa Block Sailor
Check out the full segment from the Today show,
Sources: People
These type of videos always get me. Whenever there is a Dad or Mom saying if you’re gay and your biological parents aren’t there to support or accept you, it’s like their stepping up on behalf of the homophobic parents.
Every once in awhile people come along that just redeem your faith in humanity. Just a little bit….
Cheers to these amazing Mom’s, Dad’s, Brother’s and Sister’s!