Topless Protestors Make Public Statement Against BullFighting (NSFW-ish)



It's that time again for the running of the bulls in Pamplona, Spain.  Probably the best well known part of the San Fermin Festival that started today, the bulls will be forced to run through the streets very soon, but before they could, protestors took the opportunity to grab some attention yesterday, just before the week-long celebration commenced

If you don't know about the running of the bulls, videos of the six bulls and six steers can be easily found on the internet.  You can also find videos of the horrific bull fights that occur.  Not sure we should call them bull fights when the matadors have multiple swords against a farm animal. 

To protest the running of the bulls and the bull fights, protestors covered in red paint and wore makeshift bullhorns gathered in a public square. The protest was organized by PETA UK and AnimaNaturalis.




It is expected that more than 50 bulls will lose their lives as part of the "celebration."


The festival that brought in 1.5 million people last year has also had major issues involving violence and sexual harassment in 2016.

It is not just in Spain bullfighting is popular. In a conversation this weekend with friends, they mentioned watching part of a bullfight in Puerto Vallarta.  It was so awful and cruel in their eyes, they did not stay very long.


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