Just in time for Pride month, Latino artist VELO is back with another single that will give you life! But this time he’s not alone! The cutie that has given us the super sexual Big D*ck Daddy, turned up the heat with Oye Papi, and made social media buzz with the #PerraChallenge has teamed up zaddies Joey Diamond and Pablo Hernandez. The trio just released their song and video for At Your Door as part of a new collaboration and your heart won’t be the only thing throbbing.
VELO, Joey, and Pablo have collaborated on several other projects before, but this is their first where all three have put their own signature on the song that you know you’ll be hearing on the dance floors this summer.
You may know Joey Diamond from his steamy Instagram where he is shares his stories of travels, modeling, and singing.
Pablo Hernandez is a world-renowned model who has his hand in acting and whose Adonis disposition will leave you parched:
And one of Instinct’s greatest friends is VELO, whose music we’ve shared with you in the past because—well, it’s HOT and we just can’t get enough of that adorable face:
Instinct caught up with VELO to find out more about the new collaboration that I consider to be the Thirst Trap Trifecta!

What’s the story behind ‘At Your Door’?
It’s about meeting someone and you’re so into them and you just want them to take a leap of faith with you, and go along for the ride.
What’s the best thing about working together?
Honestly we all have our own perspective on things. We come from different backgrounds and musical experiences. I love learning from them and they inspire me outside of my creative box.
What’s the hardest thing about working together?
Probably that we all live in different areas. Joey’s in San Fran, Pablo is in Cuba/Miami and I’m in Seattle so getting together takes some planning, but we have more fun projects coming for sure!
You guys are hot! How distracting is it working together?
Haha! We all buckle down and get the work done. We take music serious because we have love and respect for it.
What’s the message you would like to send to fans and listeners?
I hope they enjoy the track. We wanted to give you some N’Sync Realness nostalgia with “At Your Door”, nothing overtly sexual–just more about the music and the wholesome pop of it all–but gay.
Here’s the video of At Your Door by VELO, Joey Diamond, and Pablo Hernandez. And if you think it’s sexy when they’re fully-clothed, think about what they will put out next if they’re impromptu gay latino boy band has another collab. Oh, the possibilities!
Don’t you wish these boys were at YOUR door?!
At Your Door by VELO, Joey Diamond, and Pablo Hernandez is AVAILABLE NOW wherever music is sold!