Married Polish YouTubers Jakub and Dawid are using their voices and platform to once again rail against the oppressive Polish government and their treatment of members of the Polish queer community. The Polish government and media feed into the already strong homophobic attitude of the country, with almost 25% of the country declared “LGBT-free zones.”
Jakub and David have just released the song INNI, which in English translates to ‘others.’ In their Instagram post announcing the song, Jakub and Dawid write,
We hope that this protest song will become a kind of anthem [for] our community, because it’s time to be proud of yourself. And not for a month, but all year round,
They also mention the harsh realities for queer people in Poland,
“Every day, over 300 people from the LGBT community experience verbal or physical violence in Poland. This happens in schools, at work, on the street, on marches and even at home.”
The married duo have been creating content on their YouTube channel since 2016 and have repeatedly put the Polish government on blast for their homophobic attitude and laws.
We put rainbow stickers on the gate to the Gdańsk Shipyard. They were created by Spanish activists in support of Polish LGBT. The stickers are to hang in the most famous places all over Europe. There is a special QR on them which describes the actions of the Polish authorities against sexual minorities in Poland. We put our sticker on the shipyard gate, because this is the place where our freedom was born, and if we were to create new August agreements today, it would undoubtedly have to include LGBT provisions. We got a few hundred stickers ourselves, so we will be adding them to rainbow masks, and you will put them on wherever you can.
The powerful video for INNI has the activist couple singing on a rooftop. {Warning: Spoilers ahead!) They are both adorned in a denim jacket with rainbow fringe strips on their arms, creating a stunning visual. As they sing another storyline plays out. Two young queer people dating and in love are subject to verbal harassment as they try to live their lives. One by one hateful bystanders place post-it notes on their bodies with words like “fag” written on them until the two are literally covered head to toe. A young girl in white approaches and removes one. More and more people begin to join the group each removing the words meant to shame the two lovers. Jakub and Dawid remove the last post-it note and the two couples joyously dance together on the roof.
The chorus of the song has them imploring the public that,
“We are not the others. Treat us like brothers. This is what matters. Cause we are not enemies. Let’s change the world you and me.”
From one proud queer here in the States, THANK YOU, Jakub and Dawid for trying to make the world a better place for queers everywhere!
Here is the video for INNI
Sources: DNA
Yh, sme positive stuff from this country, as we took few steps back woth equality with this “hate” government.