Westworld Star Opens Up About Bisexuality, Shame, Suicide, And Honesty.

Bisexuality.  That doesn't exist, right?  You have to be one or the other.  Why do I think that is what many believe?  Even today, when we acknowledge gender fluidity, I feel that bisexuality still gets a bad wrap, is looked down upon, and is misunderstood. 


Westworld Actress Evan Rachel Wood has spoken about her bisexuality in the hopes that her dealing with being so inclined would help others.  During her acceptance speech, she mentions hearing the word bisexual for the first time.  It gave her power, light, understanding, knowledge. 

In recent years, Wood has been very open about her sexual identity.  Her openness most likely a driving force behind her being honored with the HRC Visibility Award at the HRC North Carolina Gala Dinner, organized to rally the local community and raise funds in the ongoing fight for LGBTQ equality and the repeal of the state's anti-transgender bathroom law.


Sensing her own story could help others like her, Wood "recorded a video of myself walking people through my journey of self-realization — abusive relationships, suicide attempts and finally coming out of the closet."

She posted it on YouTube in celebration of last year's LGBT pride festivities. Two days later, the shootings at Pulse in Orlando occurred, killing 49 people inside the gay nightclub and wounding 53 more. – hollywoodreporter.com



I think it is amazing to hear from LGBT members, listening to their inspirational stories.  But there are not a great amount of bisexuals stars that take to the mic, to YouTube, to social media. For that we thank you Evan Rachel Wood. Her HRC acceptance speech follows. It's a speech that I think has the same undertones as all of our coming out stories, dealing with pressure, hate, self doubt, shame.






Wood "buried" her feelings in her teen years in response to frequent anti-gay hate speech around her. She was further confused by what she calls "inconsistencies" in her feelings.

"I also thought that men were beautiful," she explained. – hollywoodreporter.com



More testimonies like these are needed in all the communities, but I do think this one from Evan Rachel Wood is a powerful one for the bisexual community.

Do you think HBO will work her bisexuality into Westworld?  Might be interesting.


h/t: hollywoodreporter.com



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