What are the Most Transgender-Friendly Companies in America?

Of the more than 300 companies that earned a top Corporate Equality Index (CEI) score of 100% in 2015, 72 stood out as the best companies for promoting workplace equality for transgender employees. – businessinsider.com


Five years ago, I applied for a position at a private Catholic Institution in backwoods Maine.  I asked myself, "Do I want this job? Will I like it?  Will I like the commute? Will I be able to be out?"  I realized the answers to my question were … It was a better job than I had at the time, I would grow to like it, I enjoy driving, and does it really matter if I can be out or not? 

For those of us that want those corporate closets to be demolished (as they should be) it is important that equality and ability to represent who you are in the workplace are part of your company's beliefs.

 I feel that the LGB employees have it a little easier than the T's.  More acceptance occurs every day and this year seems to be the year for all of us to gain ground, acceptance, and understanding.  But there are companies that are doing a better job at embracing all the letters of the Rainbow Family.

The most transgender-friendly companies in America

The CEI rates almost 4,500 American companies and organizations on their policies, benefits, and practices pertinent to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender employees.  Of the more than 300 companies that earned a top CEI score of 100% in 2015, 72 stood out as the best companies for promoting workplace equality for transgender employees.

The following companies offer the most transgender-inclusive health insurance policies; cover gender identity in non-discrimination and anti-harassment policies; have LGBT employee resource groups, provide diversity training on sexual orientation and/or gender identity; have a diversity council; publicly support LGBT equality under the law; don't engage in corporate action that would undermine the goal of LGBT equal rights; and provide gender transition guidelines: (click on image for larger view)

"Employers that take meaningful steps to facilitate greater transgender inclusion in their workplaces, from non-discrimination protections to inclusive benefits, are not just doing the right thing for workers, but they are strategically setting themselves apart from other companies competing for talent and innovation," says Deena Fidas, head of the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Foundation's Workplace Equality Program, and co-author of the Corporate Equality Index (CEI). – businessinsider.com


It seems just a little while ago the idea of men having maternity leave time was becoming policy at a handful of companies.  Now, companies like Aetna and CIGNA are including "transgender" into their every day work documents.  We do have to look back and say wow.  Can we just say wow for a moment?  Yes, only 72 out of the top 300 companies are shining bright, but what an accomplishment that is.  And with that representing almost 1/4 of the best companies, you know that others will aim to be up there, too.

Have you had minor or major LGBT advancements at your workplace recently?  Please share!

And what about being out at work?  Do these numbers from an "Are You Out at Work" GLAAD.org survey surprise you?  Are you out at work?


(click on image for larger view)


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