What Else Can Viagra Do For You?

We all know the main reason men take Viagra.  But besides making sure your soldier is ready for action, what else is that little blue pill good for? DIYschools.in shared with us six other uses for that little blue pill.


Sildenafil, the generic name for Viagra, was first developed by British scientists as a possible treatment for angina. It proved disappointing for treating the cardiovascular condition but has become the primary treatment for erectile dysfunction. But drugs can have off-label uses and Viagra has more than a few.

1) Burning Off Fat
At SciLogs, Jalees Rehman describes recent research suggesting that Viagra can help burn off white fat, which in particular “seems to be responsible for many of the deleterious effects associated with obesity, such as diabetes and inflammation.” Brown fat is more readily burned off and mice treated with Viagra were shown to have higher levels of brown fat protein. In addition, their white fat showed the “presence of ‘beige’ (not quite white and not fully brown) fat.”

An earlier study in which mice were treated with Viagra resulted in “some evidence of weight loss.” Rehman underscored that using Viagra to assist with weight loss has yet to be attempted in humans but holds promise as Viagra is “commonly available for human studies.”

2) Reducing Pulmonary Hypertension

Pulmonary hypertension is a rare disease affecting mainly women; it occurs from a build-up of pressure in blood vessels leading to the lungs. Those with it can find even basic activities liking changing their clothes an ordeal. A 2004 study found that those with this life-threatening lung disease had an increased ability to exercise after taking Viagra. In fact, Viagra is now marketed under the name Revario to treat pulmonary hypertension.

3) Treating Altitude Sickness (and Helping You Work Out In the Mountains)

Viagra has also been found to reduce pulmonary artery pressure at high altitudes, while increasing the ability to exercise in low oxygen conditions.

4) Treating Raynaud’s Phenomenon

In Raynaud’s, cold leads to spasms of the small arteries which supply the fingers and toes with blood. These body parts can then become pale and painful. People with Raynaud’s have found that taking Viagra (or rival drug Levitra) has been helpful.

5) Fighting Prostate Cancer

When used in combination with doxorubicin, a cancer drug, Viagra has been used to help treat prostate cancer. While doxorubicin is an effective drug in fighting cancer, its side effects include heart failure — Viagra seems to help protect against these.

6) Keeping Cut Flowers Fresh

Putting 1 milligram of Viagra into the water for flowers can lead to them standing up straight (rather than, um, drooping) for a week beyond their natural life span. Other tests have shown that Viagra can slow down plant ripening, according to research done on strawberries, legumes, broccoli and cauliflower. – diyschools.in

In no way are we condoning the usage of Viagra for prostate cancer treatment, exercise, altitude sickness, etc.  Definitely check with your doctor when taking any medication.  Go ahead and try it on your flowers, but then again when wanting to liven up flowers, an aspirin or Sprite works just as good on those, too.

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