When Your Crush Wants Your Friend’s Number.


It seems impossible to find a good man these days!  Yes, it's fun, but very tiresome shopping for a good catch on this app, that app, this bar, that bar, this dog park, that target, the recycling center, the beach … it's tiring.


There's the belief that you'll find love when you stop looking for it.  I'd wear a blind fold if it helped!  But of course I'm not going to do that. I've been told my eyes are one of my best features so I can't hide those.

So if you're not looking, how will you find them?  What about through your friends? Has being set up by compadres worked for some of you? Meeting one of their friends and making a connection?  I'd be up for that.

But what about through a crush? That's crossing some hefty emotional lines, no?

Let's watch how this plays out in Michael Henry's most recent video "WHEN YOUR CRUSH WANTS YOUR FRIENDS NUMBER!"




We're sure Michael Henry is thinking about his needs and not realizing that Seth Daniel is crushing on him. 

Ummm, Michael, we'll see your heartlessness and raise you some desperation. 


Send Seth our way!

But don't worry Instincters, Seth had his anti-dating jab at Michael in one of Henry's previous videos titled "THE EXACT MOMENT YOU KNOW HE'S NOT INTO YOU LIKE THAT"




Maybe this is why Michael cast the "When Your Crush Wants …" video like he did.

It reminds me of a time I had an "activity partner" when I first moved to Florida. He was attractive, but not fully my type.  We had fun, we both enjoyed the adult time we shared, but it was more me enjoying our meetings with me doing very little but reaping all the rewards. I am sure it was enjoyable for him too, but anyeay.  It was very selfish of me or at least it felt like that, but I also realized I wanted more.  I broke off our get-togethers, that's what we defined them as, or I thought that was what they were, and I told him, that I wanted to stop the meetings and focus on dating someone, like real dating. His response was that we should date, but that wasn't going to happen. If he was someone that I could have seen myself dating, it would have been like that from the beginning. I felt very bad, but I knew those emotions were not there from the beginning and they would not materialize. Unfortunately I found out he had some emotions from the beginning, but did not let me know of them.

Have you bypassed a crush to hang out with or date one of his friends?

Keep the humor coming Michael Henry.



MICHAEL HENRY/ michaelhenry915

SETH DANIEL / sefferman

Written by: Michael Henry

Directed by: Paul McGovern jr/ pmcg34

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