No Fats, No Fems, No Asians has been either a thorn in our community's side or your opening line on your profile. But where did this all come from? Many, even Ru Paul, have said that the straight community borrows begs and steals from us gays, but maybe, just maybe we learned from those straights on how to have negative feelings toward Asians.
Thanks MTV, yes MTV, for the following video. They may no longer be playing music videos, but this video is actually worth watching.
I was saddened one day when I received a faceless message on Grindr. I always like a pic before we get to talking much at all. When I asked why he didn't have a pic, his response was, "Do you like Asians?" My heart sunk. The fact that someone had to ask if I liked a certain ethnicity before he sent off a pic. I can understand if you're not into bears, hairy men, smooth guys, etc, but to be afraid to talk to someone because of your ethnicity … I guess that's when it hit me. My response was, I'm attracted to guys I'm attracted to, and they come from all backgrounds. Asians are fine. I am still a little bothered by that discussion when I think about it.
What are your thoughts? Do you think this is where we as LGBTers get the anti-Asian feelings?
Or are we more zoomed in on the stereotype of black men vs Asian men?
h/t: MTV
What kind of Asians is this
What kind of Asians is this article referring too? There are different types of Asians. Chinese, Taiwanese, Korean, Japanese, India's, and so forth. Based on the video they are talking about Chinese Asians. There needs to be more Chinese Asian male porn for some of them are pretty hung. Yes, there are hung Chinese guys too.
This white guy I use to date always had me shave my face before sex. This led to skin irritations later on. After him and I had a good sex life he started dating hairless Chinese guys.
A. Call me a horrible person,
A. Call me a horrible person, but I find the vast majority of Asians not sexy, including the straight ones. I don't hate them or think that they are less than I am I just don't find any sex appeal for me
B. I wish people would identify their group instead of saying they're Asian because the groups are quite different and being from San Francisco I understand the differences.
C. Yes there are rice queens and there are guys who only want Mexicans or blacks. Have you noticed that when you see a straight mixed black and white couple at least three-quarters of the time it's the man who's black? Somebody could explain all of this but maybe it's just the way it is
D. Until I was in my fifties I was at all intelligent looking white guy with blue eyes who couldn't go in a bar with other races because I got pestered by some of the guys — the other side of what I described in C– they would be all over me because of my general description without even finding out who I was. Blacks pushy, Mexicans overly Charming, Filipinos so clinging it seems like they were trying if you get hurt
E Therefore in my observation people who say the gay community is more racist than straights are very wrong.
People tend to act like the group they belong to unless they are from a very assimulated family
Im asian. But i dont get
Im asian. But i dont get offended if they dont prefer my race, yeah such a shame to have not liked me before they know they want me. To each his own. Im a very decent good looking tall asian guy, which have taken more than my fair share of gay world. Yeah a few people my not prefer my race, its not only who i am. Most of them are practically small minded arseholes unworthy of my precious sexy time so i just i click block and move to the next cock.

Asian men get it bad in the
Asian men get it bad in the LGBT community. And I know, as an Asian man myself.
It's usually, white, latino and black, especially for hook ups – assuming Asian men have tiny penis, and being submissive. And if there guys out there who want to hook up with an Asian, they are rice queens. They do not care about the personality, just the race.
First of all Grindr is all
First of all Grindr is all about superficiality. What do you expect?