Research Lists The States Where Love And Harm Exist Most In Terms Of Online Dating
For those of us many singles around the nation, we’re aware online dating has gone from some sort of taboo ‘90s fear to a societal norm. Especially amid the pandemic, virtual Zoom dates became popular and almost glamourized while we were asked to stay safer at home. While most obeyed, some didn’t and still continued to meet up with online partners for friends, love, or lust. As we progress into the future, there is still a looming aura of menace around not only dating, but online dating in general. A handful of people, even innocently, have talked to a fake profile online, gotten catfished, or became involved in some type of shenanigan. Now, researchers have determined which states are the best to online date in… but also where some citizens should be skeptical.
According to High Speed Internet, the west coast appears to be the more dangerous side of the United States for online dating. Washington state, New Mexico, Colorado, Nevada, and California all land in the top states where online dating leads to scams and high sexually transmitted infection rates. Shockingly…the worst place to online date is… Alaska?! The state of Sarah Palin has seen a surge of syphilis so perhaps you should travel somewhere warmer for your post-COVID vacation.
But, it’s not all bad news. According to the research, the east coast may be a better bet to find your next beau. West Virginia ranks as the safest state to online date in. Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Kentucky round out the top five states where apparently you should be swiping right – and often. Maybe something about Appalachian and soul food makes the heart grow fonder.
Writer’s Note: This is the opinion of one Instinct Magazine contributor and does not reflect the views of Instinct Magazine itself or fellow contributors.
Source: High Speed Internet