Wonder Woman Casting Surprises!
Get Ready To Meet Cheetah!
WHOA! Alright, so it’s now common knowledge that a female Superhero movie can shatter records. Patty Jenkins first Wonder Woman film has grossed over $820 BILLION since the premiere last year. The absolute success of the film has given hope – and funding – towards female driven superhero films. We can anticipate Marvel’s first film with a female in the title – Ant-Man and The Wasp – and I’m dying to see Marvel’s Captain Marvel, which will focus solely on the adventure of Carol Danvers AKA Miss Marvel in 2019. With the ultimate success and girl power for Wonder Woman, it’s clear we we’re going to have a sequel. The second film will give us arguably Wonder Woman’s most popular villain, Cheetah, and you seriously will be mind blown at who they’ve selected to play her. Get ready for this:
Cheetah, with many aliases but commonly known as Priscilla Rich or Barbara Ann Minerva, is typically an inferior debutante with a split personality. Of course, she absolutely hates – or is obsessed – with Wonder Woman, so they are quick enemies. If you’re a fan of the animated series of Justice League – in any decade – you’ve probably loved Cheetah, especially since she is basically a mean Drag Queen who wants to shine. Tons of fans we’re disappointed when Cheetah didn’t make an appearance in the first film, but now with so much hype – I cannot imagine we don’t get the Cheetah we truly deserve. Which kind of gives me a side eye to the casting…because funny lady, Saturday Night Live alumni, and Bridesmaid breakout star – Kristin Wiig – is going to play her! WHAT?!

According to Entertainment Weekly, the casting which has been long speculated is confirmed. Dear, God! At first, I groaned. Wiig?! REALLY? But, I’m low key pretty excited. We’ve been incredibly surprised with some casting choices – think of Ezra Miller and Heath Ledger – in the DC universe. Miller and Ledger have proved they can be the best parts of a superhero flick, so why not trust Wiig. As long as they don’t go the comedic route with the actress – at least for the film’s entire run – I am holding out we may be pleasantly surprised.
Are you looking forward to seeing how villainess Wiig can be in Wonder Woman’s sequel?
That $820 MILLION!
That $820 MILLION!
I definitely think it’ll be a
I definitely think it’ll be a challenge for Wiig to play this part and for the sequel not to go under because of poor casting choices. Don’t get me wrong…I love Wiig but I love her in more comedic roles. I don’t know if I can see her play this part seriously enough to make WW2 a hit like the first one. Here’s hoping….