WOOF! Here are 5 Super Hot Gay Cubs to Follow on Instagram

Although it is left open to interpretation (as many things are in the gay community, no shade), a gay man who identifies himself as a cub is generally younger than a quote unquote "daddy", a bit stocky, furry but above all, downright adorably cute.


As the bear world finds itself growing and growing in its visibility in and out of the gay community, the number of these fine specimens known as cubs are on the rise as well.  So why not take a couple of minutes out of your day to truly enjoy these guys?

Here are five you should follow on Instagram.  Whether its their smile, fur, or something else that gets your gears going, chances are one if not more will do it for you and then some.  Woof.

Andrew (@andrewunscriptd on Instagram)


Thanks for joining me on this journey.

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Jeremy Shields (@jerschoshi on Instagram)


In love with this warm weather! @marvini44

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Nathan B (@natezgreat404 on Instagram)


Life is good, hope everyone is doing well. #instabear #readyforchristmas #gaybear

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Miguel Moreno (miggymonster1 on Instagram)



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Tino (@tinozr on Instagram)



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