Writer Creates “Real Housewives of Nazi Terrority Formerly Known As America” Parody!

Writer Creates "Real Housewives of Nazi Terrority Formerly Known As America" Memes!


The Parody Is Hilarious!

Lately, all signs point to the White House being a parody in itself. You certainly have an opinion on the Trump Administration and I'm not here to change your thoughts.

However, I'm here to make you laugh! I do believe that anyone on either side of the political spectrum can find the following memes hysterical! 

By now, you've seen at least one episode of The Real Housewives franchise, right? The shows are extremely popular because of the directed storylines, backstage drama, and a heavy amount of cat fights. But, we all love the introduction to each episode.


The program begins with the leading ladies giving voiceover quote while posing elegantly. The introduction has been parodied many times before, but he's what it would actually look like:

A Twitter user and Writer, Russell Falcon, has created his own version of Real Housewives with the lovely (?) ladies of the current administration and otherwise devote Republicans. Now, since you're familiar with the Housewives intro…you'll totally be knee slapping at the memes below!

I present to you, Falcon's The Real Housewives of Nazi-Occupied Russian Territory Formerly Known As America featuring Tomi Lahren, Melania Trump, Ivanka Trump, Ann Coulter, and Kellyanne Conway.






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