We gravitate to well written gay characters on television and movies. We cheer for LGBT representatives on reality tv shows. But now we are promised that the World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) will be integrating "LGBT characters" into their programming. Here is what People.com had to report about this inclusion.
In his new memoir Accepted, 75-year-old gay wrestling legend Pat Patterson writes about his long career in the WWE – all of which was spent in the closet. But if WWE Chief Brand Officer Stephanie McMahon has anything to say about it, gay wrestlers like Patterson won't have to hide their true selves as part of the WWE anymore.
Speaking at a Beyond Sport United event, McMahon told NBC OUT that her company is committed to LGBT inclusion moving forward. "We will integrate LGBT characters into our programming," she said backstage. "And I do think there will be an opportunity to integrate some of those storylines in the near future." McMahon said the LGBT community has always been accepted at the WWE. "Throughout my life I have grown up knowing gay [WWE] superstars and executives," she said. "It's always been accepted, but now it's about getting that message out there."
She also said sensitivity toward the LGBT community is being prioritized in the WWE writer's room through a partnership with LGBT media advocacy organization GLAAD. "We've had GLAAD come in and speak to our entire writing team and give a whole tutorial on sensitivities, the right words, the wrong word [and] why those words matter," she explained. "I think that with their guidance and support, we will be able to portray that [LGBT storyline] appropriately." – People.com
After 50 years in the closet, the WWE Hall of Famer Pat Patterson publicly declared he was gay in a historic announcement shared below. (http://www.wwe.com/wwenetwork Published on Jun 13, 2014)
Yes, wrestling is not real. There I've said it. Do you think writing in a gay character is a wise thing to do? What kind of characters will WWE and GLAAD cook up? Will we see a flamboyant man in pony tails. Oh, we've seen that before. Head over to whatculture.com for a list of their Top 10 Most Outrageous Homosexual Characters.
I think the WWE should just be who they are and not force Gay characters to happen. Yes, representation is fine, but as in the Olympics, we don't need to out people in order to cheer them on and we don't want fake. Why doesn't the WWE just let an LGBT wrestler come forward and use that chance to be more real than anything they've ever done?
What are your thoughts?
Therichest.com came out with a list of 10 wrestlers that have come out.
Out Wrestlers – Real Life LGBTers