Clothing Ad Homophobic Or Kinda Right?

Oh, what to do with companies trying to tell us how to be a gender. 


Here comes another one for us to roll our eyes at.



So do we think this is offensive?  And if so, on what level?

I think this ad campaign can go so many ways.

Is it homophobic?  

If you say it's homophobic, are you saying that heterosexual men that take care of their bodies and are business oriented are gay?


Do you think the ad is saying all male models are gay?

Is a real man one that hides his dad bod and chubby face behind a big sweater and facial hair?

Does any real man, woman, or child sit like that anyway?

Here are some of the responses found on Twitter.





Is the above advert homophobic?   What if it were two women sitting this way with one model in a bikini and the other in a simple blouse and maybe a little more pounds.  Maybe she has a soccer ball, too, a.k.a. soccer mom.  Would they be calling the woman a lesbian?  Or would it be MODEL vs. REAL every day WOMAN?  How long have women been saying that models on the runway are not real women?  How long have they said Barbie is not a real woman? Model stereotypes have been hurting women and little girls self esteem for … ever?  This advert would most likely work 1,000 times better as a woman's ad.

Is the advert just that?  MODEL vs REAL every day MAN?   Is it saying that real men living every day normal life don't look like models.  We all cannot be the 28 to 20 inch waist and 1.3 or less percent body fat.  DId they just go a little too far by mentioning balls?  Could this be a soccer dad?  Did we get too touchy and call an add homophobic a little too fast before thinking or do we need to think a little more about it before we lash out? 

Or does the whole man bag reference just put it gay vs straight? 

What are your thoughts?


1 thought on “Clothing Ad Homophobic Or Kinda Right?”

  1. I think this types of ads don

    I think this types of ads don't resist any scientific and psychological explanation of sex and gender. The state of being a man or a woman more than your body is in your brain chemistry. Clothes don't define your gender.


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