Italian Gay Couple Dies and Families Hold Joint-Funeral

An Italian gay couple died after breathing carbon monoxide that was emitted from a defective wood-burning stove on Tuesday, January 2nd. Alex Ferrari and Luca Bortolaso, both who were 21, were staying with two female friends in Ca’di Sotto, Verona when they were found dead due to the dangerous levels of CO. They had been dating for over a year.

The couple was sleeping together in one room where they inhaled the toxic fumes while their friends were in another. Their friends were not affected because they were using an electric fire.


According to the Italian media outlet Cronaca, Ferrari and Bortolaso’s families requested that their lives be celebrated with a joint funeral in the church of San Giovanni Battista.

Both individuals saw an outpour of love at their parishes which was demonstrative of how loved they truly were.

A spokesperson of the bishop of Vicenza, Don Alessio Graziani commented on the tragedy with:

The choice of celebrating together the funeral of Alex and Luke responds to a specific request of their families to whom the Church at this moment of immense sorrow wishes to be close with the words of faith.Following the death of two young people, every other comment it seems at least inappropriate

Senator Monica Cirinnà took to Facebook to pay her respects to the couple and their families by saying, "These families are a virtuous example for everyone who loves and respects their children with dignity even in extreme pain."

Their love will be remembered.


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