Why Netflix's Sense8 Might Get Cancelled (And Why It Shouldn't) - Instinct Magazine

Why Netflix’s Sense8 Might Get Cancelled (And Why It Shouldn’t)

News is getting around that the Netflix Original sci fi series titled Sense8 might be on the verge of getting canceled.

If you don't know, Sense8 is a show in which eight people from around the globe one day find out that they are all connected to each other. 

It's sort of like a hive mind situation where they all can think and interact with each other even if they're all in different countries. Plus, they can feel each other's emotions and physical senses while also using each other's skills like bartending, language, and fighting skills.


The show was created, written, and run by the Wachoskis, though for its second season Lilly Wachowski bowed out to focus on her gender transition. 

And that second season just came out a couple weeks ago to good reception from both critiques and fans. But sadly, it seems Netflix isn't too convinced there should be a third season.

Gay Pop Buzz reports:

Deadline reported that the contracts for would be extended till June to give breathing from for renewal negotiations, it’s also been reported that each episode of season 2 cost around $9 million.

This, plus the fact that the show isn’t as well-known as Orange is the New Black or Stranger Things, is causing those negotiations for a third season to look pretty shaky.

Some fans of the show started to notice something was up and took to twitter to ask actor Brian J. Smith, who plays Chicago cop Will, his thoughts.

Brian retweeted one of the fans who asked and responded with, “This might be a good time to start making some noise.”


Since then, more fans have flocked to twitter to let the Internet know that they want the series to keep going.






And why do these fans care so much about the show? Why should Netflix support it and help it reach a third season? 

For those reading this post, the most important reason for you is that the show is deeply rooted in diversity and representation.

This is seen in not just the fact that the cast come from all different walks, countries, and races in life, but from the fact that Sense8 is deeply rooted in LGBT life as well.

The show was created by two transwomen. On top of that, they were committed to showcasing two healthy and loving queer relationships. One that's between two gay men and one that's between a transwoman and a cisgender woman. 


Again, these relationships are at the center of the story and are solid rocks that don't go through any drama that tries to "shake up the relationship."

Yes, they have issues they fight with, but that's all exterior things like careers as actors and murderous corporations.

Never has either one of the couples come close to wanting to break up, and that's just beautiful.

In fact, I just came back from BaltiCon, a 51-year-old sci fi convention in Baltimore, this weekend and participated in two panels about why diversity is important and the future of LGBTQ content in the sci fi genre. Sense8 came up in both conversations, which shows its importance to both concepts and ideas.

Sense8 deserves a third season. Its writing is good (though sometimes messy), its acting is well done, its characters are endearing, and its existence is an important step in the ongoing saga of LGBTQ representation in media.

We have to support it, and we have to tell Netflix that we want it back! If you agree, head to twitter now and join the #RenewSense8 campaign. Help to rising call for LGBTQ shows.

8 thoughts on “Why Netflix’s Sense8 Might Get Cancelled (And Why It Shouldn’t)”

  1. Best Show on TV in many many

    Best Show on TV in many many years. Please do not end it. Netflix spends money on shows but not advertising. I stumbled across it bt accident and am hooked.


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  3. Sense8 should be renewed

    Sense8 should be renewed because it is one of the most creative series out there.  The originality and complexity of the combined stories, the astounding production values, the brilliant editing, the gorgeous cinematography, the sets, the music, the very appealing actors and their characters, the mind-boggling continuity…all of it makes it one of the most beautiful, satisfying, challenging and enjoyable shows I've ever seen.

  4. No, no, no!  Don’t cancel

    No, no, no!  Don't cancel Sense8. It's a very intelligent and engrossing series!

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  6. This is the most unique

    This is the most unique series out there today.  Bonus that it features a wide and eclectic cast!  I love everything about it.  Why is it that when we discover something so deliciously different it's threatened to be cancelled!!!!  🙁



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