Harry’s shaving company just released a new ad that causally includes a transgender man in the spot with narration that tells them, “You can shave to feel like you.”
The one-minute spot by the men’s grooming brand, titled ‘Shave, or Don’t,’ makes it clear Harry’s has your back whether you shave or not.
The narration reads:
“Back in the day, men couldn’t always shave. Back in another day, men had to shave. Somewhere in between is a very nice thing: a choice. Now you can shave just a little. You can shave a lot. You can shave to stand out. You can shave to blend in. You can shave when you have a second. You can shave to save a few seconds. You can shave to feel like you. You can shave to feel like another you. You can shave because you’re finally, finally home. Or you can shave – maybe later.”
You’ll notice the “You can shave to feel like you” line falls on the shot of a trans man about to shave.
The comments on the YouTube page are overwhelmingly positive:
“Thank you for including a trans man in your commercial Harry’s will be switching over to support your business.”
“I got chills when I saw the trans guy thanks, highly doubt the company will see this but I recommend added woman because girls shave too.”
“Why did I get teary? Classic me Hahaha… *sobs* Thanks for including the LGBT community.”
LGBTQ inclusivity is nothing new for the men’s grooming company.
Last year, the shaving giant announced their Shave with Pride campaign celebrating Pride Month. The rainbow-hued shave set featured an iridescent shave handle plus cartridges and shave gel with 100% of the profits going to LGBTQ causes. Additionally, Harry’s is a proud sponsor of London Pride.
“Harry’s has a proud history of working with organizations that help challenge out-dated stereotypes and who aim to shift attitudes and behaviors that devalue marginalized groups,” said Harry’s co-founder Jeff Raider.
“Our support for Pride is a natural extension of that. As a company, we embrace individuality and celebrate diversity, so we’re extremely proud to be an LGBTQ+ ally.”
The men’s brand also produced an acclaimed three-minute short film on the meaning of ‘masculinity’ featuring a young boy explaining how to be a man to an alien.