Did Adam Driver Torpedo A Transphobic “Saturday Night Live” Skit?

From the brooding Kylo Ren in the last few Star Wars films to the heartbreaking Charlie Barber in the critically acclaimed Marriage Story, Adam Driver knows how wear his heart on his sleeve through his performances. During his recent (and much lauded) Saturday Night Live hosting appearance, it looks like Driver may have displayed some love to the LGBT community. 

During his monologue, Driver seemed to be doing a little extra vamping and looked at his watch several times. Finally he mentioned (reiterated in the tweet below) that there was a sketch that he was in where he “played a woman” and he was not sure if it was “transphobic or really dated”. 



While some are questioning if Driver extending his monologue was deliberate or an effort to hinder some possibly transphobic material from airing on the show, Driver did say at one point, “I’m just trying to drag this out because honestly at the end of the show. there’s a sketch I really don’t like, so I’m hoping this goes long & it’ll get cut”. 

Here’s his monologue in full, you be the judge; 

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