COVID Cruise – Gay Party Boat Sinks After Getting Wrecked In The Rear

Screen grab video from @fitnessgays on Twitter

Many of us in the gay community take COVID-19 very seriously. Maybe it’s because we know and respect our history in the continued fight against the spread of HIV and AIDS. Then, of course, there are the other gays who would clearly rather die, than stay at home so we can stop the spread of the coronavirus.

Those gays recently flocked to Puerto Vallarta for Jeffrey Sanker’s COVID super-spreader New Year’s Eve event – and they were in for a few surprises. First, just a couple of days before the parties were slated to begin, Sanker himself was getting dragged on Twitter and denounced by PVN (Puerto Vallarta News) for throwing the event in the first place during a dangerous pandemic.


In a December 23, 2020 at 10:44 AM., PVN wrote the following   

If you are interested in still visiting the COVID Super-spreader New Years Eve Celebration where foreigners come to our community and throw big parties and leave COVID while causing our businesses to close and people lose their jobs, they have changed their mega party to Riviera Nayarit and even offer a nice closed bus to transport you there with a lot of people packed together. COVID isn’t causing businesses to suffer; it’s the actions of people. We are tired of it. We have supported this event in past years and given it positive coverage, but this year it’s irresponsible and should be canceled.

But of course, that didn’t stop the covid-queens from accomplishing their mission. Though forced to relocate the event(s) to a neighboring city, about 30 minutes from Puerto Vallarta, the parties went on as planned, crowded, unmasked, and drawing the ire of social media this week. Then, in a bizarre twist of fate on New Year’s Eve, the partying boys really outdid themselves and went overboard… literally!

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According to videos and photos shared on Twitter, December 31, the PV Delice – a gay party boat, sank. The incident left 60 passengers flailing in the ocean and screaming for help as they tried to stay afloat. Shockingly, not one of the 60 selfish and irresponsible passengers ever thought of using their own inflated ego as a floatation device.


Nope, instead, the boat’s crew members attempted to rescue them as the PV Delice sank to the floor of the ocean, adding even more debris and pollution to its messy bottom. As the boat went down, reportedly, Celine Dione emerged on a rescue ship in the distance and began singing, “Near … faaar … wherever you are…” 

Ok, that last part didn’t really happen, BUT it would have totally made sense – all things considered. Yaaaas honey, the boys were going down in Puerta Vallarta – and not in a good way.

Emilio Blanco, a visitor from Chicago, Illinois, explained to O&APV (Out and About Puerta Vallarta), “It was like the Titanic; it went all down slowly.”

It’s too early to tell what caused the catamaran to go down, but weather conditions were near perfect according to witnesses. Comments on Twitter also indicate the crew was inexperienced in maneuvering such a vessel but mentioned no specifics.


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Thankfully, all the circuit boys got rescued in the nick of time by a fast-acting fleet. No casualties were reported. Still, Twitter was not having it, with many people calling out that this excursion, much like Sanker’s circuit and pool parties, should never have happened at all. Ashley Norman, Executive Director or Public Relations for the Puerto Vallarta Tourism Board reached out to Instinct Magazine writer Randy Slovacek in response to a piece he wrote on Sanker’s circuit party event. Here is an excerpt from her email.

Per the current Jalisco state government mandate related to COVID-19, all private and public events of more than 8 people are strictly forbidden. All public festivities in the state of Jalisco have been cancelled, including the previously promoted White Party Weekend at Mantamar Beach Club & Sushi. The Will Gorges festival has relocated to Nayarit State which is under separate COVID-19 restrictions. Local authorities in Puerto Vallarta are aware of all previously planned events and are prepared to respond in a timely manner should any activity take place that is in opposition to local mandates.

The tourism board takes this issue and its COVID-19 restrictions very seriously. If you have any need to clarify this situation to your readers or if we can provide any additional information on behalf of the tourism board of Puerto Vallarta, please let me know.


This is a terrific response. We are still in the throes of a global pandemic and it is completely unacceptable for foreigners to flock into Mexico, abandoning safety efforts, masks social distancing and basic empathy – all just to have a good time.

Read more and see additional pics from this story at O&APV

For more information about travel to Puerto Vallarta amid the COVID pandemic Click here

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