200 Covers! Model Kevin R. Davis Reflects on His Sobering Journey

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L-R Golden Czermak, Models: Kevin R. Davis / Ryan Patrick.

In just a few years, Kevin R. Davis has transformed from overcoming addiction and homelessness to becoming one of the most sought-after romance novel models. He recently celebrated the incredible milestone of shooting his 200th book coverβ€”a feat achieved by only about 1% of models. First introduced to our readers as an “Instinct Hottie,” Kevin shared his story of recovery, self-love, and resilience.

Now, we’re catching up with him as he reflects on his continued success, balancing personal growth with his thriving career and passion for inspiring others. From his work on gay and straight romance covers to addressing online scammers misusing his images, Kevin’s journey is nothing short of inspiring.


Corey Andrew:

To begin with, congratulations on reaching 200 book covers! That’s an incredible achievement, especially considering that only about 1% of models reach this milestone. How does it feel to join that elite group, and what does this moment mean for you personally, especially reflecting on where you started?

Kevin R. Davis:

Thank you very much! It really doesn’t even seem real. Almost seven years ago, I was a homeless meth addict, so to be where I am today is a blessing I could have never imagined. Golden Czermak of FuriousFotog approached me when I was about 10 months clean, and asked me to do a photo shoot for romance book covers. I almost backed out because I had become so accustomed to not stepping out of my comfort zone.Β 


I’m so happy that he took a chance on a recovering addict, and I’m so happy that I decided to take a chance on myself. Taking that chance completely changed my life and put me on a new path. It has been such a positive in my life, and I love that Golden took my 200th cover photo.Β 

Corey Andrew:

In our first interview, you mentioned being excited to get back into modeling after COVID had paused things. Since then, you’ve achieved so much. What were some of the most surprising or rewarding experiences you’ve had while working with authors and photographers?


Kevin R. Davis:

Firstly, I never imagined that I would get the kind of following I have, but I love that it has given me a platform to share my story and promote and support the people who support me. I also love to support and promote others because I truly believe that what you put out there comes back to you, and I’ve experienced that time and time again.

Authors have also brought me to book signings with them so I can sit at their table and sign books and take photos with readers.Β It is so nice to actually get to meet the people who follow you. Hearing them tell me that they love that I share my story and how it has helped or inspired them somehow means so much to me. My goal has always been to be the person I needed to see when I was trapped in addiction, so to hear that I’ve helped others encourages me to continue doing what I’m doing.


Corey Andrew:

Your modeling has spanned a wide range of romance genres. Can you tell us more about the types of books you’ve been featured on? Are they primarily gay romance, straight romance, or a mix of both? How do you approach bringing a character to life for different audiences?

Kevin R. Davis:

The majority of the books I’m on are straight romance books, but I am getting more and more gay romance covers. I actually sell more Male/Male covers than I do Male/Female covers, and I love that. I just recently got to do a shoot with my longtime friend Robert White, and it was really cool to have someone from my past share such a cool experience. We’ve already sold multiple covers from our shoot, as well.


Sometimes, authors let us know exactly what they want for their covers, but normally, I work with a photographer to come up with looks and ideas that we believe authors will want to use for their covers, and we shoot a lot of variations for them to choose from.

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Photo: Jean Maureen Woodfin, Models: Kevin R. Davis / Robert Kelly

Corey Andrew:

Now that you’ve hit such an impressive milestone, what are your next goals in the modeling world? Are there new genres, collaborations, or personal projects you’re excited to explore in the future?


Kevin R. Davis:

At this point, I’ve shot so much content for romance book covers that it’s the perfect time for me to focus on other things. I plan to return to Atlanta next year and pursue more modeling and acting opportunities.Β Over the past couple of years I’ve taken acting classes and have been trying to prepare myself to go after some new goals.

I have to continue to challenge myself and keep stepping out of my comfort zone. I remind myself that if I hadn’t taken that chance when Golden approached me to shoot, none of what I have today would have happened.

Corey Andrew:


In our previous interview, you were just over three years clean and celibate, and you spoke about focusing on your personal growth and recovery. How has your outlook on relationships and intimacy evolved since then? Are you currently seeing anyone?

Kevin R. Davis:

Well, initially sex was a major trigger for me to want to use meth. I had to stay celibate if I wanted to stay clean. I also noticed that the years of using meth had rewired my brain so that sex and meth were so intertwined. There was a total disconnect as far as sex goesΒ when I wasn’t using.Β 

I’m slowly working on getting comfortable again with intimacy and trying to slowly gain new positive experiences. I have a lot of trust issues and trauma that I have to work through, but I’m being very patient with myself and feel good about the direction things are going.

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Photo: Christopher John, Models: Kevin R. Davis / Emilie Beining

Corey Andrew:

Last time, you said that the most attractive part of a man was confidence and being comfortable in their own skin. Has that view changed, or is there anything new you find essential in someone now?

Kevin R. Davis:


Oh, I definitely think that is one of the sexiest qualities β€” that, and someone who is grateful and empathetic to others.Β The combination of confidence and compassion is everything!

Corey Andrew:

Many models have faced issues with their photos being used in online scams, particularly in romance and dating scams. Have you experienced this? If so, what’s your message to people who may be tricked by these fake profiles?

Kevin R. Davis:


Yes, unfortunately, I’ve experienced this a lot. It is something I deal with on a daily basis. So many women and men have been scammed by people pretending to be me or at least using my photos and have lost thousands of dollars because of it. AI and new technology are only going to make things worse.Β 

My message to people is to not trust anyone they have not met in person, or at least someone they personally know who has met them.Β If someone who hits on you or gives you attention online is not the type of person who has typically done so in real life, chances are they could be a scammer.Β 

Corey Andrew:

As a model who’s been both celebrated for your rugged masculinity and openness about recovery, how do you balance the external focus on physical appearance with the deeper message of personal transformation and resilience that’s so central to your story?


Kevin R. Davis:

It’s a tricky balance. It’s very easy to start focusing too much on looks and comparing myself to other models, many of whom are half my age. I also want to celebrate all I’ve accomplished in my recovery and how I’ve gotten into my best shape ever at age 55. I try to remind myself of where I came from and focus on how blessed I am.Β As much as what I do is about looks, so much of my story is about how I’ve transformed on the inside, so I try to make a lot of my posts reflect that.

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Photo: Golden Czermak / Model: Kevin R. DavisΒ 

Corey Andrew:


You’ve inspired many with your personal journey, especially those struggling with addiction. In your recent post, you mentioned wishing you had known how happy you would be after getting clean. What’s your advice to those who are still in that dark place, unsure if life can truly get better?

Kevin R. Davis:

Even though my life had deteriorated more and more over the years when you’ve done something for a long time, it becomes your comfort zone, and the idea of stopping can be very scary.Β  Getting high and the people you get high with become the one constant in your life. You may also be using drugs to cope or even self-medicate for pain or mental health issues. The idea of giving all that up is so overwhelming, and you tell yourself you can’t stop.Β 

I used to make every excuse not to quit or that I couldn’t try just yet. I also never saw anyone make it out. I saw people go to rehab or jail, and get out and go right back to using.Β My goal has always been to be the person that I needed to see back then, and I hope that people will see me and see just how amazing their lives can be.Β 


Corey Andrew:

Lastly, on a lighter noteβ€”who is your celebrity crush these days? And since your favorite cheat meal was a bacon cheeseburger with fries, has that changed, or do you have a new indulgence? β€” because I know of lot of our readers would gladly run to the kitchen and cook it up for you, Lol

Kevin R. Davis:

I don’t really get celebrity crushes, but my number one pick last time was Henry Cavill, and that probably hasn’t changed.Β And yes, my favorite cheat meal, the majority of the time, is still a bacon cheeseburger.Β 


Thank you so much for celebrating my milestone with me and for letting me share my story. I always appreciate the support and love from you all at Instinct Magazine.Β 

Corey Andrew:

You’re very welcome. Again, thank you for being so candid in sharing your story with our readers.