A Dad Opens Up About Son’s “Inappropriate” Swimsuit on Family Cruise

A dad went to Reddit’s anonymous “Am I the A-Hole” forum after seeing his son wearing an “inappropriate” swimsuit while they were on a family cruise.

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(c) Photo by Jas Rolyn on Unsplash

The dad began by saying that his son is a “great kid” who has “TOO MUCH confidence.”


“My wife and I and our son Jax (18M) went on a week-long Caribbean cruise right after his school ended,” the original poster (OP) wrote.

He also noted that there were “lots of people our age, many older folks, lots of little kids, and other kids his age as well” in the cruise. Everything seems to be going well on their family vacation, not until they had to get ready to go to the pool for the first time.

According to the dad,

“Let’s just say his swimsuit was NOT appropriate. At all. Definitely a ‘flaunt it’ type of suit.”


And since the son brought nothing else to change into, he had to buy another swimsuit.

“He protested. I won. He went to a store and came back and got ready to go again but he had bought another speedo-style suit that was a lot better than what he had before but still not appropriate. And of course he couldn’t return a swimsuit.

He whined about it, begged to wear his original, but I said no,” the OP further shared.

The dad went on to reveal that his son was “mad at him and said I made him waste $100+ on two new suits he didn’t need.” However, he also noted that he didn’t want to “ruin his vacation,” but only wanted his son “to be decent.”

In an update, the OP also clarified that he is “not a prude.” 


“He can (usually) wear what he wants, I don’t care. He has sneaked in friends for skinny-dipping parties at home, I don’t care. He and two friends once went streaking in the neighborhood, and were caught by an HOA ‘cop,’ and I don’t care. He has sex, I don’t care. In fact I buy him condoms and have for a while, I order them because he has a wicked latex allergy. I’m not a prude,” the father explained.

Moreover, here’s a screenshot of the swimsuit in question.

Thoughts on the OP’s Reddit post?

Source: toofab.com

30 thoughts on “A Dad Opens Up About Son’s “Inappropriate” Swimsuit on Family Cruise”

  1. OMG! With so many more important awful things going on in the world today, THIS is what upsets a parent ? I’ve never had the pleasure of spending time on a “family” cruise with my parents. I realize that different families have different morals, but since the son is 18 & of legal age, he should be able to wear what he wants as long as it is appropriate for the crowd he will be seen in. I have always felt that Americans are way too conservative in certain areas of the way we are brought up & taught what is socially acceptable. My husband wears speedos & I wear board shorts.

    • Did you not read the article? The father said that the suit was def inappropriate for the people he would be around. Older people and children. Duh.
      And did you check the link for the swimsuit in question? ABSOLUTELY inappropriate. Especially when you’re hanging around with your family. I am no prude either, but that is NOT something you wear around your mom and dad and your siblings.
      Get a grip.

  2. As long as his manhood cannot be seen……what’s the big deal with wearing a Speedo style swimwear on a cruise? He is eighteen after all and European countries that’s all they wear there for swimwear. The Dad should have just left his son alone.

    • You obviously didn’t check the link for the swimsuit in question. It’s pretty sheer to begin with, but you can see EVERYTHING when the suit is wet.

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  4. Why women can wear swimsuit of their choice but men can’t? That guy is just being confident with his body.

  5. I will say the sheerness is a bit much for a “family cruise”. However the cut is fine. I get why dad is a little worried. But he also needs to let his son learn the hard way. The son is 18. Legally an adult in this crazy world we live in. Let him learn on his own.

  6. I wonder if the father changes the channel when the men’s olympics diving is on. This is what they wear before millions.

    • Did you not read the article? The father said that the suit was def inappropriate for the people he would be around. Older people and children. Duh.
      And did you check the link for the swimsuit in question? ABSOLUTELY inappropriate. Especially when you’re hanging around with your family. I am no prude either, but that is NOT something you wear around your mom and dad and your siblings.
      Get a grip.

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    • He was there with his mom and dad and siblings. Not to mention “older” people and “children”. And you can literally see EVERYTHING when the suit is wet. (Check the link) Just exactly who did you think he would be flaunting “it” for?

  8. If the father can deal with his son skinny dipping at a pool party why is the son’s swimwear such a problem now?

    • Because he wasn’t not wearing the suit in front of a bunch of his friends.
      He was wearing in front of his mom and dad and his siblings, as well as “older” people and “children”.

      It’s like some of you commenters have zero reading comprehension skills at all. That or maybe you’re just a bunch of pervs.🙄

  9. If he is not a prude then he should have let the cruise people handle it. That way if they say something and the father agrees he can just blame it on the cruise rules of decency.

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    • That is not the suit in question. That is not the son. You have to click the link to see the ad the dad posted for the original swim suit.

  11. Let him wear what he wants. If he has something to be proud of let it be. There is nothing wrong with a guy showing off what he has just like the girls do.

  12. Americans ARE prudes and hypocrites. It’s fine for a woman to go to the public pool/beach wearing a thong with both cheeks fully exposed and a top so small it can’t possibly hold what God gave her, but God forbid a man wear a speedo! Ridiculous! Your son is 18, it’s not up to you to tell him what to wear.

    • So true and I think the real problem is Dad and not the swim suit. Dad has insecurities he needs to deal with and not shelter his son from being him. Lock him in a cabin next time? Get over it Dad. Good looking kid. Don’t take away his self confidence.

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  14. When are we going to stop “man shaming” the male form?! Wear what you want when you want (as long as it’s tasteful and appropriate for the audience you’re entertaining). With that being said, men are not “flat” down there and shouldn’t be felt ashamed of their bodies, I was as a high schooler trying out for wrestling practice, and am a bigger guy below the waist, and was shamed so bad for my endowment I didn’t continue to wrestle. Guys should never be made to felt ashamed of how they are made.

  15. Such double standards. Why is it OK for women to wear the skimpiest of swimsuits or even go topless yet men in speedos is appropriate.

  16. There is NOTHING wrong or inappropriate about the suit in the picture. There are women on cruises that wear much less and are accepted because they are women. You can tell the father is an American, as no European would have even noticed what he was wearing.

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  18. Just because you “CAN” do something, doesn’t mean you “SHOULD” do it. He has the right to wear whatever he wants, but it doesn’t mean it is appropriate at the time & place…..

    • I’m gay and definitely have had some fun with scandalous looks in my day with my friends. However, I do believe there is a time and a place for every look. My family has always been super supportive, however if my sisters wore something too over the top my mother would say get more on. Same should go for me being a boy. No double standards with my mom. I think dad did the right thing and sounds like he’s a good dad.

    • I wish more women would get that. And more men would support a little more modesty for women’s bathing suits. I get that we all want a tan. But when the majority of men’s suits ha 4 to 6 or more times the material of an average woman’s suit AND we think it is normal… Things are a little unbalanced.

  19. The see through are definitely not appropriate for a cruise, maybe a pool party with friends. But if he can pull off a regular speedo, then it’s fine.


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