A Promising Turn in The Villages: Kamala Harris Rally Signals Hope

In a surprising and promising turn of events, The Villages, a sprawling retirement community in Florida, recently held a rally in support of Kamala Harris for President. This vibrant show of support marks a significant shift in the political landscape, especially considering that Donald Trump won this area last year by about 30 percent.

The Villages has long been known as a conservative stronghold, with its residents typically leaning towards Republican candidates. The community’s overwhelming support for Donald Trump in the previous election underscored this reputation, making the recent rally for Kamala Harris all the more remarkable. The enthusiasm and energy at the event suggest a growing openness to change and a reevaluation of political loyalties among the residents.


500+ golf carts in The Villages, Florida for Kamala Harris!

♬ original sound – barbiehardenhall


Were there 500 or more golf carts present?  We will have to wait and see in a couple of days what the true count was.

The rally, organized by local activists and attended by a diverse group of supporters, highlighted key issues such as healthcare, social justice, and the economy. Kamala Harris’s platform, which emphasizes inclusivity, equality, and progress, resonated deeply with the attendees.


#greenscreenvideo 7/27

♬ original sound – Aaron Parnas


For the LGBTQ+ community, this shift in The Villages is a beacon of hope. The support for Kamala Harris signifies a potential turning point in a region that has historically been less receptive to progressive values. It also reflects a broader trend of increasing acceptance and support for LGBTQ+ rights across the country. The rally’s success could inspire other conservative areas to reconsider their stance and embrace a more inclusive vision for America.



♬ original sound – Stillprayingonit

The significance of this event extends beyond The Villages. It sends a powerful message that change is possible, even in areas once considered bastions of conservatism. It also underscores the importance of grassroots organizing and the impact of community-driven efforts to bring about political and social change. The rally for Kamala Harris is a testament to the power of collective action and the enduring hope for a more just and equitable society.

If Florida cannot go BLUE, let’s at least get it some shade of PURPLE.  It can be done!

10 thoughts on “A Promising Turn in The Villages: Kamala Harris Rally Signals Hope”

  1. Anyone but Trump will be my yard sign. Look at what happens in authoritarian countries or those with dictators. You see them at our borders, which may happen in reverse with Trump. What are his policies other than hate by of anyone different in a country that has thrived off of those differences

  2. Generation Z and us 60’s Generation have a lot in common! Authenticity. Reminds me of those great days of peace and love and hope!

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  4. Hope for what? Marxism in America? You dummies better wake up. The woke democrats will take every thing you have and leave you in squallor and desperation. Just look at the last 4 years.

    • LMAO stock market at all time high!

      employment at highest in 40 years.

      unemployment down to the lowest in 40 years

      personal income up higher than at any time under Trump.

      Squalor your *ss! MAGA. Your entire thoughts are built on hate and lies.

    • The economy was screwed up because of Trump’s failure to act promptly on Covid-19. When people weren’t buying because of fear of going out and then because of supply issues, that’s what started inflation; believe it or not. So when we started to recover and supplies we more plentiful, of course prices went up. It’s called supply and demand. If the demand is greater than supply, businesses are going to charge more. It cost more to get the goods, so it’s passed onto consumers. Also, it’s been worldwide inflation and supply issues. Gas prices are down significantly. More oil is sold overseas because the oil companies make a lot more money. A lot of other items have come down in price.

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