Is Taylor Swift a lesbian or bisexual? This is the question that many fans are asking after listening to the song, “betty” on Swift’s new album, folklore. The song, which is written by Swift and someone named William Bowery (there are assumptions that this is the pen name for Swift’s boyfriend, Joe Alwyn, but that is for another debate), starts off with the lyrics:
“Betty, I won’t make assumptions about why you switched your homeroom, but I think it’s ’cause of me.”
Near the end of the song, Swift sings the lyrics:
“Will you have me? Will you love me? Will you kiss me on the porch in front of all your stupid friends? If you kiss me will it be just like I dreamed it?”
As you could guess, users on Twitter are having the debate about if this means Swift is bi.

Others are saying “betty” is from the perspective of a guy named James who is mentioned in the song:
“She said ‘James, get in, let’s drive’”

Then there are those that think “betty” will be the name of Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively’s third child.

While Swift has not said anything about whether “betty” is from a male or female perspective, she wrote a comment on one of the videos on YouTube about three songs from folklore she says is a love triangle from three different people.
Then there’s Bowen Yang’s take on “betty”
and two of folklore’s album covers.
Regardless if Swift is bi/ lesbian or not, she has proven to be an ally for the LGBTQ community both in her video for ‘You Need to Calm Down”…
And her Netflix documentary, Miss Americana.
Sources: Entertainment Weekly, Pride.com, Twitter