Abrasive Pastor Disrupts Drag Queen Story Hour!

Abrasive Pastor Disrupts Drag Queen Story Hour!


This Isn’t The First Time He’s Publicly Harassed Children!

#GROAN! Frequently on my social media, I’ve encountered many acquaintances and beyond speaking of Drag Queen Story Hour. The event, created in San Francisco by Michelle Tea and Radar Productions, does just as the title of their event: Drag Queen read children’s books to give queer children role models and imagine themselves in a world where they are accepted and allowed the freedom to be themselves. Officially, the library has been open for a year – and we’ve been there to cover the Queens’ giving back to the children from the start. While the event is harmless, an Evangelist Pastor recently showed up at the Story Hour to spread his hatred.

In a video released on Facebook from NowThisPolitics, Pastor Dave Grisham of Last Frontier Evangelism. I tried to do some sleuthing for you and discovered Grisham lives in Anchorage, Alaska. On June 9th, he boasts in a public Facebook post claiming he was the first ministry in history to directly confront homosexuals in a public library. He claims the homosexuals are “coming after the children.” Check out his cringe worthy post below:


This may not be the first time you’ve seen Grisham. In December 2016, Grisham went into a Texas mall and screamed to children that Santa is not real. His public, unhinged rant – obviously terrifying children – can be rewatched here. Who is the person truly coming for children? A kind Drag Queen reading a book or someone crushing their dreams in a public space!? This guy is a lunatic!

Grisham invaded a ticketed event (the Story Hour) by announcing his name – immediately followed by “NO!” But, of course, he can not mind his own business. He continues a rant stating there is no such thing as transgender and Drag Queens. He’s clearly confused that Queens and transgender individuals are completely opposite. One is a character or a job, while the other is an actual human being. The organizers are fast to kick him out, although Grisham declares he has a right to disrupt the event. The video is so terrifying. This guy invades a completely silent, peaceful room to spread his hate. This is not okay.

Check out the disturbing video below:




Don’t forget you can check out the many events being held by Story Hour here. Just, maybe don’t show up spewing the hate in your heart.

3 thoughts on “Abrasive Pastor Disrupts Drag Queen Story Hour!”

  1. Talk about a hypocrite!  We

    Talk about a hypocrite!  We need to establish a big place where all these people can move and pontificate to one another while the rest of us lead our normal lives without disturbance from these pathetic "Christians."

  2. Screaming at children that

    Screaming at children that Santa is not real then screaming at a library – what a lunatic!! So much for spreading love not violence. Won't be surprise if news that he himself molested children would come up.

  3. There is quite a lot wrong

    There is quite a lot wrong with our nation.  Being trans is NOT one of them. #transpride


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