A Canadian man has been busted for mailing an envelope filled with white powder-and a note with an indication that the powder was anthrax-to New York City East Village spot Nowhere Bar.
“It’s called Antrax. Enjoy,” the note states, which was allegedly written by Ameen Keshavjee and sent Dec. 5 to Nowhere Bar, according to Manhattan federal court papers and prosecutors.Subsequently, the powder tested negative for anthrax.

The note allegedly arrived following a series of threatening emails Keshavjee sent to unnamed bar employees for several months after he was told in February that he would be no longer welcome if he continued harassing a certain staff member online. Keshavjee ceased visiting the bar, and then began sending messages telling staffers that he hoped they died of AIDS so he could attend the funerals and pee on their coffins. “After the way you 3 three s–ts repeatedly harassed, bullied and intimidated me YOU LOW-LEVEL HUMAN garbage decided that **I** crossed a line??? DIE OF AIDS, you leftie, hypocrite, democrat-voting F–KS!!!!!!!!!” is some of the verbiage contained in a February 25th email addressed to someone identified in court papers only as “Employee-1″. I will be there to pee on your individual coffins!” the email concludes. Two days later, he allegedly wrote “You miserable f-g s–t. U r a coward, picking on the quietest person in the shop. I hope [Employee 1’s partner] gives u AIDS. I miss my little spot. You f–k”.
Keshavjee was ultimately arrested when authorities discovered he had used a credit card in his name to purchase the stamp that was on the letter that had been sent the bar. The unemployed Keshavjee appeared in court Monday, charged with mailing a threatening communication and false information and hoaxes. He was released on $20,000 bond, declining comment as he left the courtroom. He faces up to five years behind bars and deportation if convicted.
(Photo of Keshavjee; Courtesy of Alex Tabak/Daily News)
(Photos Of Nowhere Bar; Courtesy of Nowhere Bar-Facebook)