An All-Male “Clockwork Orange” is Coming, Sans Shirts (Mostly).

So here's a first.  Never thought anyone would be saying this.  Could A Clockwork Orange be created that would actually be a big turn on? Turns out it has, and it did, and its currently on Broadway for us to enjoy/be scared of/be turned on by/leave feeling confused in many parts of our bodies.


The Broadway play, which was originally a book by Anthony Burgess and then turned into a major motion picture back in 1971, currently started doing performances this month and the cast is quite delicious if I must say so myself.




It's led by British dreamboat Jonno Davies, who plays the main character Alex De-Large, one made originally famous by Malcolm McDowell nearly fifty years ago.  He's not the only hunk in this show, as we also have Sean Patrick Higgins on board playing Dim.  Yes, that's a character.

The show already seems to be getting positive feedback from critics and fans alike, question is, did we ever think we would see a world where something like this could be a turn on?  I didn't.



Here's the trailer.  Would you see this the next time you are in The Big Apple? 

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