An Interview With Birthday Hunk, Austin Wolf

Image via Ricky Day

Wolf Shares Thriving Through The Pandemic, Turning The Big 4-0, And A Mind Blowing Announcement

It’s been a little over a year since Instinct Magazine and this particular contributor interviewed one of the most popular porn stars in the world, Austin Wolf. No one would have been able to anticipate that about two months after our original interview at the Str8Up Gay Porn Awards, we’d be engulfed in the current pandemic the globe is still experiencing. In January 2020, Wolf was all smiles as he powered through Los Angeles making content for his self-made adult platform,, receiving awards on stage in front of his peers and adoring fans alike, and told us all about that Delta Airlines video that shot him to uber viral fame. Today, Wolf celebrates his fortieth birthday and once again chatted with Instinct to give a quick update on his platform’s progression through the pandemic. Let’s take a quick dive in!


Mickey Keating: Okay, I’m running late to this interview, I’m so sorry. My barber was running behind and for the first time in my life I was a Karen – rushing him and freaking out. I kept telling him I’m interviewing THE Austin The Wolf – and he knew exactly who you were! He says hi!

Austin Wolf: Your barber?! Tell him I said thanks!

MK: I promise not to take too much of your time! Obvious question, what are you doing for your birthday?

AW: Absolutely nothing. Not overtly because of the pandemic or anything like that, but I haven’t ever been too big on celebrating my own birthday. I love celebrating other people’s birthday. We, as in my boyfriend and I, just got back from a Miami trip celebrating his thirtieth birthday. Family and friends showed up. It was an exciting trip to say the least. Forty isn’t a number you are anxious to wake up to.  I’m in the best shape of my life and at the top of my career, so I shouldn’t have complaints. But, something about turning forty makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up for a little bit.


MK: Well, you don’t look a day over thirty-eight! And with this pandemic, we are all grateful to have been able to see another birthday. What have you been up to during the pandemic? Were you staying in, socially distancing, or living life regularly without limits? Did you hear about the Instagram page, GaysOverCovid? They were outing a ton of Los Angeles and New York gays for not social distancing! I was terrified I was going to end up on there for going to Chicago at the beginning of the pandemic.

AW: I can honestly say I stayed clear from GaysOverCovid as much as possible. I didn’t want to be on their radar! I didn’t really travel much. Yes, I just went to Miami but at least both my boyfriend and I got our vaccination shots. After millions of people already vaccinated, I don’t think something like GaysOverCovid will be relevant anymore and they’ll have to refocus on something else. My boyfriend and I are heading to the Caribbean to have a joint birthday celebration, with just the two of us, to a secluded location. We’ve had plenty of couple’s trips, but usually when I’m on vacation I’m making content and doing videos. Our Caribbean trip has zero opportunity for work and I’m hoping I can handle that. I don’t sit still well and it’s a literal vacation meant to rest and relax. I enjoy my work, which is a given because of what my job is, but this is going to be my first vacation not making content – I don’t have many firsts nowadays. My boyfriend has been talking about visiting this particular location for the last three years so we’re very excited.

MK: You’ve been with your boyfriend for awhile. You’re not engaged or married yet, right?

AW: Well…now what am I supposed to say?! Okay, during my boyfriend’s birthday in Miami… I proposed. I’ll send you a clip of the proposal after this. I hate to say this because it’s so corny, but it was magical. It was all with thanks from our friends. As soon as I said what I thought I was going to do, our friends pushed to pedal to the floor and made reservations for dinners, flowers, and a violinist. It ended up perfect somehow. The irony is, he didn’t know anything about my proposal. Unbeknownst to me, he was planning on proposing during our overseas trip! Our friends knew what we were both going to do and they planned it accordingly so that we’d both have our rings and ready to propose in Miami. I’ve never had a weekend like that.

Image via Atlas Models | Austin Wolf & Brock Banks

MK: I graduated from the Wendy Williams school of interviewing- I’m nosey, but this is so exciting to have you telling us and anyone who will be reading this! I’m so happy on your future nuptials! Although this information may cause a few tears to be shed. Congratulations Austin! Let’s move on to pornography and the pandemic. I am curious how the pandemic has been shaping your videos and platform? Which, by the way, I have yet to see an Austin Wolf video, despite seeing you in one of those small, suggested video boxes on any website I visit. I believe 4MyFans and other amateur-made adult content websites are definitely a safe route within the pandemic as one is socially distant especially if they are by themselves. Heck, OnlyFans saw a huge increase in their content creators. Did you thrive in the pandemic or have any backlash from still creating content?

AW: I’m trying to decide if I should be offended that you haven’t seen any of my videos… I’m very fortunate that I had a lot of content created before the pandemic began. So, I didn’t have to focus on creating content during the pandemic. Which is the reason why you didn’t see any backlash from my new uploads because there wasn’t any to be had. It also let me keep my status as the number one most viewed person on Pornhub with seventy-five million views. It gave the opportunity to excel much higher and faster than anyone was anticipating. We weren’t putting anyone in danger. Again, sitting still is not my forte. I’m often yelling at my boyfriend to do God knows what. Believe it or not, it came together. At the end of January this year, we launched a whole new version of If you would’ve watched one of my videos you would know what the new launch is! It’s a new design, interface, and functionality.

MK: Okay while I haven’t seen your videos, I do scroll through Instagram and I’m constantly seeing the link in their profiles rather than OnlyFans. I come across it enough so often that I am like ‘Oh thats Austin’s site!


AW: We’re signing up as much as sixty models a day. Believe it or not, because of the popularity of the community I’m apart of on the app Clubhouse, I’ve connected with quite a few women who are coming to and creating profiles. There’s hundreds of thousand of users and that number grows everyday. The future of OnlyFans and adult content is uncertain and our site was designed specifically for it, so we advancing our infrastructure to support the heightened demand. will grab that baton and keep running. Given that I was the first adult content creator on OnlyFans, I am very happy to continue to innovate and create safe spaces for our community of creators. 

MK: Are you giving like webinars on Clubhouse or do you just join when you want to connect? Obviously you can moderate a panel or participate a ton.

AW: I was hesitant towards joining Clubhouse. My manager shoved me onto that app aggressively. It’s a little like [Zoom] without the video. We’re just sitting there talking and exchanging ideas. I give my opinion when I’m asked, but I’m learning just as much from these men and women. I’m seeing how different models are and it’s night and day sometimes. I get into conversations with some models on other platforms that aren’t OnlyFans and the best compliment I have been given, from a straight woman who is a sex worker at that, told me ‘When I listen to you, I know I’m getting the truth. I know I’m getting reality.’ There’s a lot of great people who work in the adult industry, but there are some bad. I’m a model just like they are. They feel comfortable around me. The diversity of models and dialogue is truly beautiful.

MK: I can see that! The moment I met you I knew you didn’t have a bad bone in your body and you’re always so upfront and special. I would feel much more comfortable around you than dealing with sleazeballs who are in the industry…look at what happened for decades with someone like Harvey Weinstein in entertainment.


AW: Thank you Mickey!  We are just as vulnerable in porn and adult content creation as other industries, and my intent with was to provide a safe and equitable space for our community to thrive not just professionally but personally.

MK: And in a pandemic you’re helping these people survive.

AW: I’ve had this conversation before. I would sacrifice every penny I’ve made last year if we could get the lives back that we’ve lost from COVID-19. This pandemic has been, to a point, beneficial that people are staying home. But, I don’t want to make money off of someone else’s pain. But, when you have to stay home and the safest person you can touch is yourself, websites like could save lives.

MK: What’s any type of advice you’d want to give to anyone reading this interview and after this crazy year we’ve all had?


AW: I think you said it best: Be thankful that you’re still here and don’t waste it. Move forward as fast as you possibly can. I feel like people who didn’t pass away, get left back, or get stuck. Drug abuse and suicide is a huge deal right now. If you’re out there, you survived. You have to continue to survive. I don’t know how hard it is for everyone, I have been fortunate. I’m a recovering alcoholic at all times. I know that side of things. Before you go and buy God knows what to make you feel better. Talk to someone, go on the internet, find a phone number. That’s what we aren’t thinking about – the economy has been in the shitter. People are being kicked out of their homes because they can’t pay rent. If you’re in good situation, donate five dollars if that’s what you can. If you’re having a hard time, don’t do what’s in your head. Suicide and drug abuse are very heavy right now and people don’t realize because it’s being overshadowed. I hope people are being more careful. I feel doing recreational drugs right now is really dangerous. This is not the time to do them. Put down whatever you’re doing and go get a gym membership. If your energy needs to go somewhere, put it towards that. If you’re not doing the other and you’re doing something else, I guarantee you’ll feel better. It’s not a maybe, it’s one-hundred percent. And in the gay world, maybe in the straight world, the better you look on the outside the better you feel on the inside. All the work that you’ve done before is a resume for the doors that are about to open.

MK: Alright, this is over Zoom since we are doing this safely and we’re on separate coasts. Youre in a… sea foam green room…with a big mirrored logo behind you? What is that? Who painted that?!

AW: I won’t say his name, he’ll get upset, but this is my old roommate’s room that I’ve turned into my home-office. I should probably repaint this the purple color to represent But, this mirrored logo behind me we used during a retreat I had with about ten models who come together who create content. During our most recent one the models took photos in front of the step and repeat which this was in the center of. With our recent group, we are all fairly close friends. We were doing just about everything together, but we couldn’t leave the villa. We all had to get COVID tested before and after, nothing was really allowed, we couldn’t leave to go to parties. In the future, it will be more relaxed and we won’t have to be so paranoid of hurting someone. We had dinners together and danced together. The group was so entertaining. I can be the life of the party when I need to, but I didn’t have anything on these boys. It was one funny moment after another. Me explaining it won’t do it justice!

MK: If you ever need an interviewer for that…


AW: It might be fun to have you come through and have you start doing one after another.

MK: Wait, I can totally do that no problem!

AW: I meant interviews, Mickey!

Wolf continues to be one of the most fun people this particular contributor has ever interviewed. He’s not an Influencer who wants to promote themselves so they can sell you Flat Tummy Tea or something that they don’t believe in. Wolf stands firmly with sex workers and he doesn’t use them for personal gain, but to further themselves and safely make some coin while enjoying life. It’s ironic that a man as towering as Wolf is toppling the adult industry and will forever have it changed to the point where the tale as old as time will no longer be the norm. Anyone would be honored to have him in their corner and if this is forty, I cannot wait to see what the next decade brings to this loveable, inspiring mind. Here’s to fifty, Austin Wolf, we’ll be watching.

Writer’s Note A: This is the opinion of one Instinct Magazine contributor and does not reflect the views of Instinct Magazine itself or fellow contributors.

Writer’s Note B: Some quotes have been edited for clarity.

8 thoughts on “An Interview With Birthday Hunk, Austin Wolf”

  1. So we put people like Austin Wolf as an authority who feel they are saving the world. A person who performs unsafe sex with other stars and clients and thinks he’s saving lives? Now he’s introducing a new platform to further the porn industry? This man is suppose to represent LGBT really? He’s only a man using his talent to film and make money then spread to make it from others. His videos don’t promote safe anything. It’s time to stop promoting these people. There’s a place for everyone in LGBT but we don’t pit people like this up like gods…hes No authority and no news. Sorry but the Hunk Dr Porn Star one video is not the authority or an example to follow.

    • If he isn’t using condoms in his movies, probably everyone is tested or on PrEP. If someone isn’t into, porn, don’t watch it and contribute to his wealth. But for those who do, it is a harmless form of entertainment. Some people need to take the stick out of their asses

  2. “Wolf stands firmly with sex workers and he doesn’t use them for personal gain” are you kidding me? I guess he just only takes enough from SWs to pay the bills and nothing more? Guess they didn’t pay for any of his Caribbean birthday trip (did anyone miss that the beginning started he doesn’t do birthdays and had no plans and then suddenly a trip a few paragraphs later?)

    Did you bother to ask if he pays any of the boys he has filmed in seemingly undercover conditions for his site? What’s their cut for each video he sells?
    Oh right, he doesn’t get any personal gain from others. 🙄

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  4. I remember when Instinct used to have some very fine journalism, so what is this over-excited, gushing hype masquerading as an interview? This reads like ridiculous PR puff from an immature kid let loose to do their first interview. “The moment I met you I knew you didn’t have a bad bone in your body and you’re always so upfront and special.” Seriously????
    Next time send a grown up to interview a subject like Wolf. This is not journalism, and not good enough, Instinct.

  5. I was (read ‘was’) initially a fan of AW’s fans vids. Hot twinks, gr8sex (with great oral and above all kissing) but then it all switched towards constant irritating nipple play and fuck mechanics with not always the right camera angles (universal problem with these fan vids) YET after reading the interview great respect for him as a person. Now who is his boyfriend?

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