Anderson Cooper Will Not Vote For Anyone For President. He Doesn’t Vote And Here’s Why.

In a recent interview on Howard Stern, Anderson Cooper said he is going to vote for … no one in the next presidential election.


Listen to an excerpt from his time on the radio with Stern below. 





Cooper stated he cannot remember the last time he voted.  He feels reporters don't and shouldn't vote.  Apparently any civil rights / equal rights votes are not important either?

Yes, it is his choice to vote or not, but do you think Cooper's reason for staying away from the ballot box is the right one?  

Do you trust news reporters more or less if you know which side they would vote for?

9 thoughts on “Anderson Cooper Will Not Vote For Anyone For President. He Doesn’t Vote And Here’s Why.”

  1. Anderson Cooper has always

    Anderson Cooper has always been a privledged member of the elite upper class. His Mother was Gloria Vanderbilt. I thought he would support the party that supports equality because he's openly gay. But this tells me that he feels that it's ok for HIM to be gay because he's entitled but not the rest of us. I've lost my respect for him because of this.

  2. I’m disgusted by him now.

    I'm disgusted by him now. Having lived in a repressive dictatorship, I know the importance of being able to vote.  To be able to pick your own leader. To let your voice as a citizen be heard. Apparently, Mr. Cooper doesn't realize that his words will be taken by many as a reason not to vote. People listen to him and might think, if AC doesn't vote why should I? 

    Nothing is stopping him from exercising his right to vote. He doesn't need to tell anyone who he votes for. The ballot is secret. He doesn't even need to declare a political party on his voter registration. He can register as an independent. He doesn't need to go to a polling place. He can mail in an early voting ballot.

  3. How can you say I don’t care,

    How can you say I don't care, you don't even know me. How do you vote for someone when you very much dislike all of them. There is a lot of people who do not vote because they don't know any better, and a lot that choose not to vote because they simply don't like the people. Just because you are voting for Trump, you don't have to judge those who are not!  I assure you I am not dumb, in fact I'm very well educated and I definitely am not self centered. 


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  5. Not voting is a sign of not

    Not voting is a sign of not caring.  There is no excuse EVER for not voting.  Tell me That and I assume you don't care and are not interested in life or  in making the world better.  Dumb dumb dumb and self centered.

  6. I can’t believe you don’t

    I can't believe you don't think Donald Trump is a rich celebrity!! He is one of the richest men in the world. He has never done any thing in his life, everything was always handed to him. He has absolutely no political experience. "You're fired!! I didn't vote the last time and I guess I won't be voting this time. I guess I'll be hang'n with Coop. All the people running suck!!! I can hear it now, we are going to war sir….You're fired!!!! I'm sure the idiots going to win though because most of the people in this country suck. A lot want to live in poverty. So many choose to stay on welfare their entire lives, some think it's cool to have more babies they can afford or more pets they can afford. So many people are just fighting so hard against each other and it makes no sense.Everyone in this country wants to fight, we need to make peace, help each other out and combine together as a nation…STRONG!! Make everyone's life so much better!!


  7. Anderson has been asked this

    Anderson has been asked this question a thousand times. He's always consistent in that he doesn't divulge anything. 

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  9. Anderson works for a

    Anderson works for a corporation that has donated a lot of money to Hillary.  Their "reporting" , including his, has consistently been biased toward Hillary.  Have you seen how CNN reporters' eyes light up when the talk about Donald Trump.  They love him!  Anderson is part of the rich elite celebrities that want to keep the status quo, thank you very much.  His mother is Gloria Vanderbilt, it doesn't get much more priveleged than that.

    • That was a pretty stupid

      That was a pretty stupid remark. Look at Fox News. Can say the same about them! Also, what does being "a rich celebrity" have to do with anything? Can tell what party you affiliate with.

      • Fox news is worse, my ad

        Fox news is worse, my ad hominem friend. Rich celebrities like Anderson grew up in privileged environments, ergo they tend to support those established structures that resist significant change, that is what I meant.  One' s party affiliation is not as limiting as you assume.


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