Are Pedophiles Hunting On YouTube?

YouTube Will Disable Comments On Children’s Videos!


Soft-Core Pedophile Ring Causes Mass Hysteria!

Whoa! I’ve been following this bizarre YouTube story for the last two weeks now and finally we have a temporary solution. YouTuber, MattsWhatItIs (Matt Watson), released a video over ten days ago believing the streaming platform is monetizing videos of children being sexually exploited. The video has been viewed over three million times and has garnered plenty of attention throughout the internet, although allegations of pedophiles connecting via YouTube have been circulating since November 2017. I’m an avid watcher of Law and Order: Special Victims Unit (SVU), so it’s wild to almost see a plot line unfold in real life which I’ve vaguely seen before. In the wake of the #MeToo era and child sex abuse allegations against Hollywood heavyweights such as Bryan Singer and Michael Jackson, it’s not far off people are more invested in outing predators before they eat the bait.

If you’ve watched Watson’s video, you know he exposed YouTube for accidentally, but willingly, participating in monetizing these sexually exploited videos due to its odd algorithms. The video is twenty minutes long and is a bit confusing, so let me play Detective Tutuola (that’s Ice-T’s character in SVU) for you and break this down. Basically, since YouTube monetizes the videos receiving the most views, comments, blah blah blah, these seemingly innocent videos of children were gaining money because pedophiles were/are actively clicking, watching, tagging, and sharing with their odd circle of pedophile friends. There was a small pedophile ring who would write comments with timestamps of innocent children in seemingly sexual moments. Crazy, right?! Well, major corporations including Fortnite creator, Epic Games, Hollywood juggernaut Disney, and many more suspended their advertising on YouTube after this story gained momentum. Now, YouTube is taking additional steps to protect children and defeat pedophiles from connecting on their platform.

According to Variety, YouTube Chief Executive Officer, Susan Wojcicki, claims her company will be disabling comments on most videos featuring minors. There will be a “small number of creators” with videos featuring children who will have comments enabled, but they will be actively moderated to prevent any future pedophiles connecting with one another and exploiting children. Check out Wojcicki’s tweet below:


How in the world are these predators invading everything innocent?! Jeez! This story was pretty mind blowing and I am thrilled YouTube has taken steps in order to protect innocent creators and children. Pretty wild thinking someone taking a video of their children can be sexualized. It really makes you wonder if you should be sharing any videos of your personal life at all. Crazy.

Writer’s Note: This is the opinion of one Instinct Magazine Contributor and does not reflect the views of Instinct Magazine itself or fellow Contributors.

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