Are The Leaked Pics Of Tom Daley That Bad?

I was at my other job all day today and did not want to click on our Tom Daley post just in case the pics melted my work computer.  When I was finally home, I was saddened that the supposed leaked pics were no where to be found.

I went looking, but I didn't have to go too far.  Our friends over at Cocktails and Cocktalk had them ready for me.

I don't see any harm in sharing this one since it really doesn't show much at all.  It shows a ton less than we we see of him when he's diving.  The things to look at in this pic are the brick work and the bed post. for when you get to the link to the yummy ass in the air pic, you can do a comparison.  Yes,  that's right,  our lovely diver decided to share with his sexting partner a glimpse of what it looks like under that bathing suit. 


So, if you want to see the other pic,  head over to Cocktails and Cocktalk and click on the link in the second to last paragraph. Yes, you may need to have a Tumblr account to see the bum shot, but I thought it was worth it.

Although, right here and now on this day, it seems that perhaps it was not a headlining-grabbing scheme, as pics have popped up on Tumblr showing Daley with his Olympic ring in the air.


Just in case Tom's lawyers want the most revealing pic taken down, we didn't want to house it here.

Are these that revealing?  Well considering Nicki Minaj wears just three strings more than what we see in his pic, it isn't that bad.  And we already know what 95% of Tom looks like anyway.   Hey, if you don't want to look at his bum pic, don't.  Just look at those beautiful big eyes of his, those pouty lips, and be done with it.

6 thoughts on “Are The Leaked Pics Of Tom Daley That Bad?”

  1.  I think it is more about the

     I think it is more about the photo being from what was assumed to be a private chat. Though that's the risk you take when you are well known. However, these photos are a crime committed against him, and he certainly has a right to have them take down, and to pursue legal action against the person who originally leaked them. As tantalizing as they might be, they are indeed a crime against his person and a violation of his privacy. Whether they are 'good' or not is not the issue.

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