Blake Mitchell Wants You to Come Inside… His House

It's fairly arguable that a lot of gay men wouldn't mind stepping foot inside super cutie porn star Blake Mitchell's house.


Unlike many guys in the industry who live in cities like Manhattan or Los Angeles, Blake chooses to spend his time in a much quieter area by shacking up down south in Lexington, Kentucky.

Blake uploaded a video onto his YouTube page Saturday where he shows his fans around the place he currently calls home. It's actually a spot that he's rented for the past couple of months that dates back all the way to 1929.

Highlights from said video:

  • Broken piano (that came with it when he moved in).
  • Shoe box conveniently placed when you walk inside.
  • Dog that is pretty much as cute as he is.
  • His "office" where he gets work done (insert wink face emoji here).
  • Blake walking around in an adorable gray tee the whole video.




3 thoughts on “Blake Mitchell Wants You to Come Inside… His House”

  1. Please stop mainstreaming

    Please stop mainstreaming porn "stars" with dumb lifestyle videos. It's simply clickbait for your site about people who are irrelevant except when theres a video camera and someone's dick is in someone else's mouth or ass. And even then, who they are is still relatively unimportant to what they're doing. "Porn stars, they're just like us!" Well no shit, Gary. Maybe you'd also like to do an expose of what my mailman does on Sunday, or how the guy who makes my latte at Starbucks makes his own coffee at home.


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