Bloomberg: ‘I’ll Protect All LGBTQs From Hatred And Discrimination’

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Former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg (image via campaign)

Former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg took part in a conference call with LGBTQ journalists on Tuesday as he introduced his policy plans to support LGBTQ Americans if elected president.

Bloomberg told reporters he usually doesn’t jump on media calls when releasing new policy proposals, but he explained, “This is an issue that really does mean a lot to me, and so I wanted you to hear it directly from me today.”


Bloomberg shared his 10-page LGBTQ platform which broadly covers five points:

1. Ensure equal treatment of LGBTQ+ Americans in the workplace and in their communities. Bloomberg promises, like most of the Democratic White House hopefuls, to support and fight for passage of The Equality Act which would add LGBTQ protections to existing civil rights laws in regard to housing, employment, education, public accommodation, and federally funded programs.

He also supports the Do No Harm Act, which would amend the Religious Freedom Restoration Act to clarify that it does not allow religious exemptions from generally applicable anti-discrimination laws. Bloomberg will also end the Trump administration’s practice of granting federally funded organizations a license to discriminate against people based on their religious beliefs, sexual orientation or gender identity.


2.  Address disparities in health care coverage and treatment for LGBTQ+ Americans and end the HIV/AIDS epidemic by 2030.

3.  Protect LGBTQ+ youth and families, and promote safe and inclusive schools via a new federal “Respect for All” initiative to combat bullying, harassment, and discrimination in public schools.

4.  Protect LGBTQ+ Americans, especially transgender women of color, from harm in the criminal justice system and in their communities. This would include regular training for federal law enforcement in de-escalation and implicit bias to address high levels of police profiling and misconduct, including against LGBTQ+ people.


5.  Lead by example, protecting the rights of LGBTQ+ people at home and abroad which would include an increased commitment to the president’s Emergency Plan for AIDS (PEPFAR) and rescinding the Trump administration’s ban on trans individuals serving in the U.S. military.

While much of this can be accomplished through executive order, items like The Equality Act require cooperation from Congress. 

Bloomberg’s policy team feels there’s a strong chance that the U.S. Senate could return to Democratic control this fall, and in doing so, clear much of the path for passage of The Equality Act.


In a follow-up question, Instinct asked what path or persuasion the former mayor might use if the Senate did remain in GOP control. The answer was that as long as Donald Trump didn’t remain in the White House, Team Bloomberg feels confident there will be a “different set of political forces at play” and the “challenge would look very different.”

The team also reiterated Bloomberg’s promise to continue in funding the fight for the presidency this fall even if he’s not the nominee.

For more information about Bloomberg’s policy proposals regarding LGBTQ Americans, head over to

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