Postmates has some explaining to do!
To celebrate, honor, and (let’s be real) capitalize off Pride month, food delivery app Postmates released a bottom-friendly menu. The “Eat With Pride” menu was organized with the help of anal surgeon Dr. Evan Goldstein. The menu then quickly made headlines and appeared as the focus of tweets and TikTok videos. But one chef didn’t like what he was seeing.
Alex Hall is known as the creator and face of The Bottoms Digest, a bottom-friendly cooking account on TikTok. Hall runs the account with his husband Mike Floeck and they created the account last June. Together, they create and share recipes that help bottoms be ready at all times. But that’s not all, people suffering from IBS, constant constipation, or similar health issues are fans of the recipes as well.
Watch on TikTok
But when Alex Hall heard about Postmates’ new menu, he wasn’t too happy to see concerning similarities between his recipes and the apps’ recipes.
“I opened the video and was completely shocked,” Hall told Mashable.
“They say that they were the first to create a bottom-friendly menu, when we were actually the first — over a year ago — to do so,” added Hall.
But where does Hall think Postmates copied him? He says Postmates’ menu announcement uses similar colors, a similar cadence, and copy as his introduction video to Bottoms Digest. Hall also pointed out that the slogan for the Bottoms Digest video, “Peachy clean recipes for a peachy clean time” are similar to Postmates’s Instagram caption, “You shouldn’t miss a good meal for a good time.”
“Yet again, a corporation is hijacking content and ideas and original work from a queer person,” Hall bemused, “especially during Pride to profit off of it just for 30 days.”
But even worse, the menu items Postmates recommends aren’t actually serving the purpose of providing health and comfort or even “preventing mess when having anal sex,” like the app alleges.
Hall noticed that the app recommends certain foods for bottoms planning to have sex in the near future. But, as EdgeMediaNetwork points out, these foods, coffee and pizza specifically, should be avoided. Hall tried to tell Postmates as much, but says the company ignored his advice. They claimed that the pizza was fine because it’s dairy free. Hall, however, pointed out that the garlic, onion, and tomato sauce “could be problematic for some people’s digestion.”
“The Postmates ad even displays pizza as an example of a food with insoluble fiber to avoid right before bottoming,” Mashable pointed out.
“Someone’s gonna order this damn pizza that they think is bottom-friendly,” Hall predicted. “They’re gonna have a guy come over and they’re gonna feel awful, and it’s just going to be a shame-ridden experience.”
Source: Mashable, Edge Media Network,
It’s quite possible they stole this gay chef’s bottom menu but I’ve seen a similar menu on another gay site years ago.