Burger King Takes A Jab At Chick-Fil-A In A Subtle, Shady Tweet

While they may be the self proclaimed King of the Burger, Burger King’s jab at Chick-Fil-A in a recent tweet may just make them the new Queen of Shade.

Burger King rolled out their new chicken sandwich last Thursday – The Ch’King sandwich. A response to rival its competitors chicken sandwich options, like that of Popeyes, McDonald’s, and Chick-Fil-A.

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Credit: Burger King’s Instagram


Along with their new rollout, the company also tweeted that they would donate 40 cents for every chicken sandwich sold (up to $250,000) during pride month to The Human Rights Campaign, America’s largest LGBTQ+ civil rights organization.

The tweet was in clear support of LGBTQ+ rights and alluded to the fact that every chicken sandwich purchased will “do good”, even on Sundays. Chick-Fil-A is famously closed on Sunday’s due to their devout Christian ownership religious beliefs and views.


Chick-Fil-A has faced major criticism and backlash in the past because of the owners and company executives donations to anti-gay organizations and their homophobic stances. Just last week, Chick-Fil-A’s CEO Dan Cathy was identified by The Daily Beast as a donor to the Christian Charitable Foundation – which has a long history of funding opposition to The Equality Act.

Burger King is making it clear they stand in solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community in fighting for equal rights. A spokesperson from the company said that “this is a community we love dearly”.

“This is a community we love dearly and have proudly supported over the years, so we couldn’t miss an opportunity to take action and help shine a light on the important conversation happening”.

Chick-Fil-A has not responded to Burger King’s tweet.

4 thoughts on “Burger King Takes A Jab At Chick-Fil-A In A Subtle, Shady Tweet”

  1. Nope. Not just any “Christian” group. The ones that literally advocate against LGBTQ rights.

    The National Christian Charitable Foundation (NCF) has bankrolled opposition to The Equality Act, which would expand civil protections for LGBTQ people. A recent report identified Chick-fil-A CEO Dan Cathy as one of the group’s “high-dollar donors.”

    Among the organizations NCF funds are groups fighting against LGBTQ rights, including the conservative think tank the Heritage Foundation and legal group Alliance Defending Freedom. The ADF and the Heritage Foundation both strongly oppose the Equality Act.

    Cathy — the son of the Chick-fil-A’s founder — is a longtime financial supporter of the NCF.

    Other past donations by the Cathy clan went to anti-gay organizations such as Focus on the Family and the National Organization for marriage which fought vociferously against marriage equality.

    Why would gay people give their dollars to folks who turn around and give it to groups that work against our well-being? Especially when we can go next door to a different company that supports us. Not hard to understand nor is it ‘warped.’

  2. Nice spin there! So in this story…and I do mean story. So if someone supports a Christian group or orginization, then they are supporting an anti-gay group right? Or…perhaps they are just supporting a group that shares their beliefs. But make sure you label them as a hate group, anti-gay, homophobic, or whatever. You are pathetic at throwing hate at anyone that doesn’t share your warped beliefs. ….


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