Buy Your ‘Conservative Dad’s Ultra Right 100% Woke-Free Beer’ Now

photo via Twitter, @sethweathers

Did you catch Saturday Night Live this past weekend? Molly Shannon hosted. The Jonas Brothers stopped by. And one of the skits hysterically skewered the Conservative right with a new “woke-free beer.” The advertisement hysterically shows a true alpha male asserting his maleness, destroying a bud light can, and making sure the people who drink this beer “know what bathroom to use.” Funny, right?

Only this wasn’t an SNL sketch. This is actually a real product, a real advertisement headed up by a real D-bag, Seth Weathers. Once the advertisement hit Twitter, Weathers has been mocked and skewered relentlessly, and for good reason. The 58-second video clip reeks of homophobia and transphobia with the Conservative Body CEO telling viewers,


“As conservatives, we’re constantly getting hit in the face left and right by the woke mind virus. But the last place we want it is in our beer.”


Pink News also reported on this story explaining the backstory writing, “a Conservative dad has launched a ‘100 percent ‘woke-free’ beer brand amid calls to boycott Bud Light for its partnership with trans TikTok star, Dylan Mulvaney. The backlash to Bud Light came after Mulvaney – who shot to fame for her “days of girlhood” TikTok video, documenting her public transition – was sent a personalized can of the beer to celebrate the first anniversary of her daily series.” The fact that Weather is selling his product for roughly four times the amount of other beers only furthers the mindset that he is just cashing in on the stupidity of the right.  An unwoke fool and his money are soon parted, they say.


The Freedom Speaks Up CEO wasn’t finished yet with his tirade declaring,

“Stop giving money to woke corporations that hate our values. And to the rest of you woke corporations stay the fuck away from our kids.”

It’s not immediately clear what companies he is talking about and why they need to stay away from kids. (Hint, its all lies and smoke and mirrors.)




Per the GOP playbook this is just a distraction. Most of what they do or try to do is useless. Since the conservative backlash and boycott of Bud Light, the stock has posted record highs. Love hearing that.



You can check out the full should be a parody but is actually real video below along with some responses from the Twitterverse. Just another day in ‘Merica with the rednecks attacking our way of life claiming their way of life is being attacked.









(**this post is solely the opinion of this contributing writer and may not reflect the opinon of other writers, staff or owners of Instinct Magazine.)

Source: Pink News

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