NFL Player Carl Nassib Just Came Out As Gay

Defensive end Carl Nassib made the game-changing tackle in overtime leading the Las Vegas Raiders to a 33-27 win over the Ravens
Defensive end Carl Nassib (screen capture)

We now have the first openly gay NFL player to come out while actively playing the sport.

Carl Nassib is a defensive lineman with the Las Vegas Raiders. And, earlier today, the player came out as gay. Nassib did so through an Instagram post, in which he also announced a partnership with the Trevor Project.


“What’s up people,” Nassib said at the start of the video. “I’m at my house in West Chester, Pennsylvania. I just wanted to take a quick moment to say that I’m gay. I’ve been meaning to do this for a while now but finally feel comfortable getting it off my chest. I really have the best life, the best family, friends and job a guy can ask for.”

28-year-old Nassib went to say that he’s a private person and confirmed that he decided to come out in order to create representation and visibility in football.

He added, “I actually hope that one day, videos like this and the whole coming out process are not necessary, but until then I will do my best and my part to cultivate a culture that’s accepting and compassionate and I’m going to start by donating $100,000 to the Trevor Project. They’re an incredible organization, they’re the number one suicide-prevention service for LGBTQ youth in America and they’re truly doing incredible things. I’m very excited to be a part of it and help in any way that I can and I’m really pumped to see what the future holds.”


Carl Nassib also expanded on his partnership with The Trevor Project, a suicide prevention organization focusing on LGBTQ youth. In additional pictures containing text, Nassib acknowledged how lucky he is to be loved and accepted by the people around him. He also expressed concern at the rate of LGBTQ youth who consider or commit suicide.

“I feel an immense responsibility to help in any way I can – and you can too,” the professional athlete wrote. “Studies have shown that all it takes is one accepting adult to decrease the risk of an LGBTQ kid attempting suicide by 40%. Whether you’re a friend, a parent, a coach, or teammate – you can be that person.”

For Nassib, who is entering his sixth NFL season and his second with the Raiders, his coming out announcement has been met with love and respect. The Raiders’ official social media accounts have even responded to Nassib’s post with a heart emoji.


 Again, Nassib is now the first openly gay NFL player to come out while actively playing in the sport. While 15 other NFL players have come out as LGBTQ, they all did so after playing the sport. Meanwhile, Michael Sam came out in 2014 after being drafted. But Sam failed to officially join a team.

We’ll keep you updated as this story updates. But in the meantime, thank you and congratulations to Carl Nassib for this historic and exciting moment.

12 thoughts on “NFL Player Carl Nassib Just Came Out As Gay”

  1. I applaude your courage. Pay no attention to the nay sayers, they are the people who don’t have the courage to do something like this. Be safe and happy

    • What does this mean exactly? You have to be poor, non-white and ugly for coming out as the first active NFL player in history to be meaningful… What weird prerequisites.

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  3. lol, typical tRUMPTARD sports goon comment. As you sit typing in your mom’s basement with your Mad Magazine collection. Tell me Blake why It’s always the “straight men” like you with GAY tendencies bashing other gays! Grow the up Blake! Why are you on this gay Instinct web site in the first place? How did you find it! Your gay Blake admit it!

  4. Well his career just officially started a downward spiral. He will be automatically blacklisted by players. Look at Michael Sam, pretty much never to be heard from again. Well at least he will have a future in porn

    • lol, typical tRUMPTARD sports goon comment. As you sit typing in your mom’s basement with your Mad Magazine collection. Tell me Blake why It’s always the “straight men” like you with GAY tendencies bashing other gays! Grow the up Blake!

      • I actually agree with Blake, Mr anonymous. He is right. While he might be the first NFL player he will unfortunately be getting a lot of blacklisting by other teams, players and coaches. If he can overcome great, but he will have a very tough time. Michael Sam was the first gay man drafted by the Rams but it was very hard for him to succeed. Players made horrible comments behind his back, coaches made excuses why he wasn’t fit to play. Wait till Carl is photographed with a boyfriend or caught kissing another man, they will be singing a different tune about him.
        Calling Blake a trumptard just makes YOU look ignorant. Have a seat A, a long one and maybe you might learn something.

        • You’re just another a hole too.
          If he chose to be out instead of closeted and making money- then why ridicule him and cast negative energy on his circumstances? Aren’t these videos to publicly make
          Change? Yet you, a miserable fag, are continuing to damn and condemn. Sounds like the main impediment for gay people are their gay piers – because they provide no support


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