Carson Jones’ 5 Cutest Instagram Pics Will Brighten Your Monday

Carson Jones made his way into our gay hearts only a couple of months ago when his father Doug was elected as Alabama's new senator in December.


It was a triumphant moment for millions of people as his father beat former senator (and disgusting individual) Roy Moore in the super close election, and having his son be an out and proud gay man was just icing on the already super sweet cake.



#dougjones #swearingin #washingtondc #capitol #wemadeit #nocaptionneeded

A post shared by Carson Jones (@thedapperzookeeper) on



Carson, who made a ton of waves after word got out about this super adorable dude, has developed quite the social media following post his father getting elected.  One of the most iconic LGBT moments so far this year had to have been the incredible side eye that he gave to our current Vice President Mike Pence when his father was sworn in back in early January.  This comment left on his photo summed up what many of us thought while watching it: "Mike pence’s soul being disintegrated by Senator Doug Jones’s openly gay son".  Yup.

Since then, Carson has posted a ton of super cute, upbeat, and happy photos in his life, including some celebrity encounters like the one he recently had with decorated Olympian Gus Kenworthy.  If LOGO wanted to do another Finding Prince Charming or a spinoff of The Bachelor, then sign this dude up as I'm sure there are a ton of guys who would have no problem competing for his heart (hand raised here).

Here are five of some of the most adorable photos that Carson has posted on his social media.  Definitely something to kick start your Monday morning with!
















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