The tributes to Orlando have been seen all over the world. Today, July 3rd, Cologne, Germany paid their respects and reminded us that we all are Orlando.
BERLIN (AP) — Tens of thousands of people are taking part in Cologne's annual gay pride parade, with many paying tribute to the victims of the attack on a Florida nightclub last month.
Some held placards with the words "We are Orlando" while 49 rainbow flags were hung at half-mast to symbolize those killed in the attack.
Sunday's Christopher Street Day parade is one of the biggest LGBT events in Germany and was first held 25 years ago to commemorate the 1969 Stonewall Riots in New York. –
Pride month will forever have two major and horrific incidences that occurred in June, Stonewall and Orlando. We all wish that this will be the end or the atrocities our community will face, maybe the book ends on the push for LGBT equality. My, how great would that be. But we will always remember, we will not forget, and we will always have pride.
From this Floridian, I want to say thank you Germany and thank you all for remembering Orlando.
We Are Orlando.

h/t and photos from