Danny Roberts, My First Gay Crush, Back With Cast of RW New Orleans

photo credit: paramount +

MTV and Paramount have greenlit another season of the popular The Real World: Homecoming to reboot. This time they are going back to New Orleans, and those butterflies I am feeling once again is for Danny Roberts, my first gay crush growing up! 



Related: Castmate Norman Korpi was the first out gay man that many viewers saw on TV

As previously reported by Variety.com,

“The third season of “The Real World Homecoming” is coming to Paramount Plus next month. The cast of 2001’s “The Real World: New Orleans,” including David “Tokyo” Broom, Melissa Beck, Jamie Murray, Danny Roberts, Matt Smith, Julie Stoffer and Kelley Wolf, will move back to the Big Easy for the new season, launching on the streaming service April 20.” 



The Real World: New Orleans premiered on June 13th, 2000. The ninth season of the MTV staple saw the housemates living in a remodeled Civil War-era mansion and working together at a public access tv station.

At the time this college-aged soon-to-be freelance writer immediately fell in love with Danny Roberts, the young out gay man with a boyfriend in the military. Who can forget Paul’s face blurred out during their confessional interviews to protect his privacy? (The year 2000 was a very different time in this country for queer people.)




Roberts, now an LGBTQ advocate and dad to a 9-year-old daughter, came out as HIV positive in 2018 crediting castmate and friend Kelley Limp with helping him through his diagnosis. Kelley Limp is now Kelley Wolf after marrying Party of Five actor Scott Wolf.


Related: Danny Roberts on his past, present and future

Seems there is still some lingering drama with some of the housemates as Roberts says in the trailer, 


“Julie has a complicated history with many of us.”

This is the third Homecoming edition of The Real World after New York and Los Angeles. The Real World Homecoming: New Orleans premieres on April 20th on Paramount. Watch the trailer below.

Sources: Variety.com

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