Sharing some favorite Instagrams from the week, beginning with Kike Gil, who brought the furry goodness.
Ygor Zozo had fun with a new friend:
Houston Scott was up with the sunrise:
Dani Garrido took a day off:

Max Emerson got some fresh air on the slopes:
Curt is pleased with the progress of his porn stache:
Joel Wieneke leaned into learning:
Like a fine wine, Kevin Davis just gets better with age:

Derrick Henry celebrated Arkansas Day:
Okkar Min Maung is going to make you love him:
Wyatt Cushman was feeling the puppy love:
Former American Idol finalist David Archuleta was dressed to impress:

Gus Kenworthy partied down in Guadalajara:
Garrett Magee of Manscapers found his light:
Tommy Jimenez, Esteban and Luis frolicked in the Florida sun: