Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Resigns As DNC Chair

It seems that all the presidential elections of recent have involved someone or something from Florida messing things up.  Could this be the 2016 debacle?


Florida Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, the embattled chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee, who most recently faced the embarrassing release of e-mails where her subordinates openly talked about undermining Bernie Sanders' campaign, will step down after the Democratic Convention ends.

The resignation broke as thousands of convention delegates, including 1,900 who backed Sanders, are converging on Philadelphia and on Saturday won concessions to change the way delegates are awarded in future Democratic presidential campaigns.

Taken together, her resignation, the pledge to substantially cut back the number of super delegates—party leaders who can back any presidential candidate, and DNC commitment to revise the way state caucuses award presidential delegates, show that the Sanders campaign has altered the Democratic Party’s status quo.    

Wasserman-Schultz faced growing pressure to resign in the aftermath of WikiLeaks' release of thousands of embarrassing email exchanges among top Democratic officials. In one, the communication’s director openly plotted ways to hurt Sanders—such as pondering whether openly questioning his religion would undermine him in Southern states. –


For more on this new development, head over to's Bernie calling for DWS to step down.  Did he want it this soon?




Is this the answer Demorcrats needed to deal with this new email scandal? 

Is this going to help or hurt the Democratic Party?

Is this resignation so quickly after the new leak part of a plan to fix the Dem. ship sooner than later and hopefully have enough time before the election to get past this?



1 thought on “Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Resigns As DNC Chair”

  1. LMFAO!!  This was only the

    LMFAO!!  This was only the first wiki leak!!  I can't wait for the indictable leak when Clinton & Wasserman-Schultz are taken away in a paddy wagon.


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