Documentary Profiles ‘100% Straight’ Gay-For-Pay Performers

Daniel McGraffin (image via Instagram)

In a new documentary from Channel 5 in the U.K., former military service member Daniel McGraffin says he found it difficult to find a decent paying job until he discovered he could earn up to £1,000 a day as a ‘gay for pay’ porn actor.

Sharing his story in The Sex Business: Swinging Both Ways, McGraffin says he spent six years as a soldier in the artillery until one day, due to lack of sleep, he snapped. At the end of a two-week leave, he went AWOL for a year.


He was sentenced to 8 months in a military prison, and upon his release went in search of a job.

After working as a janitor in a gym, then as a personal trainer and a DJ, a friend (who works as a dominatrix) told him about a guy who was “totally straight but does gay porn.”

She put him in contact with a producer who told McGraffin “the majority of it’s fake” and hired the former military service member for £750 for a shoot.

McGraffin liked the experience – and the money – so he researched the porn industry and eventually landed a 3-year contract with Lucas Entertainment.


He says he looked into the straight porn industry but found “in gay porn, there’s way less competition, and there’s no money in straight porn. For a straight guy, there’s way more money in gay porn.”

McGraffin, who goes by the stage name Geordie Jackson, pointedly shares in the documentary, “My sexual identity is straight, one hundred percent straight.”

His girlfriend, Freya, appears in the documentary as well and she’s totally onboard with McGraffin’s career choice.


“It’s fake,” she tells the viewer. “People say he must be a little bit gay, [but] when he gets back, he doesn’t want to think about anyone with a d**k.”

Freya explains if he was working in straight porn it might bother her since there would be the potential for him to be attracted to co-stars, but with men “that risk isn’t there.”

McGraffin admits there are people who say he’s gay because he looks so at ease in his videos, but he just takes that as a compliment on his acting skills.


“They don’t know the tricks of the trade,” he explains. “They say ‘you look like you’re enjoying it’. And I say, ‘thanks, that means I’m a good actor.’”

Asked if he considers himself an ally to the LGBTQ community, he’s unsure but shares that his brother is openly gay.

He also explains the logic, at least for him, for remaining in the adult entertainment industry.

“I ain’t smart, academically,”  he admits. “It’s either this or going to work in a warehouse, ’cause I have no qualifications. I have driving qualifications, but obviously, I’ve had one of them lifestyles where I’ve been banned from driving. So driving jobs are a no go.” 


“You need to make your money, man,” he continues. “I’m glad I found porn because I make more money now than I ever have. I see the perks of it now, I don’t even think about what I’ve got to do anymore, it’s that easy.”

Some viewers, however, took to Twitter to express their skepticism about the “100% straight” label.


We’re not here to judge, though. How McGraffin identifies is his own business.


And speaking of ‘business,’ check out some of the adult entertainer’s Instagram account below.

(source: Daily Mail UK)

15 thoughts on “Documentary Profiles ‘100% Straight’ Gay-For-Pay Performers”

  1. Well the problem is: He passionately kisses the male performers. There’s full-on chemistry. I’ve seen straight guys in porn, and it’s usually dry and boring. This guy is not straight. Just in denial.

  2. Will never watch any gay porn with this guy in it. Why would I want to watch someone who is straight give an unauthentic badly acted performance when I can watch a gay man give an authentic passionate performance?

  3. So he’s “not sure” if he’s an ally to the LGBTQ community? He certainly doesn’t mind taking money from the LGBTQ community. My guess is that he was put on the spot with the question and couldn’t comprehend what was being asked. He and his beard are very cautious about the answers they are giving because just in case family members or friends who are not privy come across the article they want to ensure the message is very clear – he does not enjoy it!! Why give money to him and those like him? This is homophobia at it’s best. “I’ll F^ck around with you but I’m no queer!” Tricks of the trade my ass! The porn industry does not employ CGI engineers to create a digital illusion of him sucking off his buddy – he is literally sucking off his buddy. Did he think that after reading this article gay men would flock to buy his videos? There’s a thousand like him and there less than a dime a dozen. No reason to waste your hard earned cash on this closet case, there’s someone newer and prettier coming around the corner.

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  5. I’m a woman and no one can tell me your gay4pay
    Give me a break you are either str8 or gay
    I hate those dudes that are bi that’s a cop out
    Either your three way str8 gay or into orgies
    Everyone is into orgies lol

  6. McGraffin is very sexy, but it’s HARD CORE pornography, meaning that if I see a penis in a mouth or an asshole, it’s probably his penis, mouth or asshole, so the “it’s all fake” argument is hard to sustain. If we start getting rid of the “rigid moral code restrictions that inhibit rather than set people free” can we please also get rid of all this straight chauvinism coming from gay-for-pay people who want to insist nothing at all happened, who think they’re doing something degrading WE should regard a major favor, and who look upon the gay consumers of porn as a cash cow to be treated with contempt by themselves… and by those girlfriends they WILL NOT consent be be interviewed WITHOUT? If there’s any job gay men CAN do, having gay sex is it, and although I wouldn’t ordinarily accuse people like McGraffin of taking jobs away from gay men, I am tempted to start when I see stuff like this. Gay men’s interest in McGraffin’s looks are what he owes his livelihood to, but he wants to turn it around, and emphasize how stark his choices were, and how without gay porn he’d be a janitor. All in the interest of having the entire world know that he hates it, and wipes his mouth. Well, maybe he SHOULD be a janitor, so he can hold his head up. I don’t particularly like being shamed as the guy who is “exploiting” some straight janitor.

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  8. I’m sooo tired of these dudes,,,,,I want nothing to do with this whacked out group of lunatics,,,,I KNOW no women in my life that would EVER put up with her man fucking some dude (even for money),,,,,It’s time we as a gay community stop supporting these men , who wouldn’t even piss in our direction, if they weren’t being paid and making a living off of gay money !! gimme porn with hot gay men only,,,their out there and plenty of ’em,,,,but I wouldn’t expect Michael Lucas that angry dark sick fuck to ever fall in line with his community,,,,we get animals like Sebastian (the child molester) Younge to get off too ??,,,,,,no thanks !!!,,,,,gimme the awesome actors like Sean Duran any day of the week over these degenerates !!!

  9. What does he do in regards to protecting himself (and his girlfriend) from HIV? The company he works for, Lucas Entertainment, ONLY, EXCLUSIVELY produces bareback (i.e. unsafe) movies… Has he even given that any thought?

  10. Tricks of the trade: Viagra
    Not sure he’s an ally: sounds like he doesn’t know what that means, so can’t answer it. Not that he isn’t one.
    Why do you all care what he identifies as? Let him be. Your truth doesn’t mean it’s everyone’s, just the same way his doesn’t speak to yours.

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  12. I have an issue with any “performer” who is “gay for pay” and then runs under the banner 100% Straight. I am a gay man who rode the Bi train for awhile and I can tell you that no amount of “acting” can get me erect for a woman or to penetrate if I were doing straight porn. And anal sex is not easy and so if doing that you have to be in a different place to do. He can tell himself whatever he wants but he is not 100%.

  13. Seriously what does that mean he isn’t sure if he is a lgbtq+ ally? What was the point of the article? If he is only topping I could believe him identifying as “straight” or hetroflexible/cashflexible but “not sure” he is lgbtq+ ally. WHAT AN ASS.

  14. I’m sorry to be the one to tell his girlfriend that it’s not “fake”…his dick is in another man’s ass and/or their dick in his ass. That can’t be explained away with “tricks of the trade”

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  16. I don’t typically like gay4pay models because it is fake and it comes across as fake on the screen. Whereas with gay men it is real because they are sexually attracted to other men. And I don’t like how when many of the gay4pay guys finally decide they’re done with gay porn they leave with a stab in the back but talking bad about gay men.

  17. please profile lgbtq+ people from now on and very important and active straight allies. none of us want or need to hear about straight men who “aren’t sure” if they even support us while draining money from our industries and mocking our sex. tysm <3


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