Does Wendy Williams’ Husband Have His Own Man Problem? Alleged Gay Lover Spills ALL The Tea.

Wendy Williams -Youtube – Hot Topics

Many of you read my previous post about how, in my opinion, Wendy William’s very public fall from grace, was by design of Karmic payback for all the havoc she’s caused in people’s lives. I still stand by that theory, and if I’m right, it seems karma is not entirely done with her yet, as more humiliation of her husband’s adultery has surfaced. This time, however, the alleged secret lover is the young male R&B singer, who was signed to an exclusive music deal with Wendy’s husband, Kevin Hunter.

In light of this new accusation, Hunter’s role as Producer of the Wendy Williams Show is reportedly coming to an end. Though the news of Hunter fathering a child with his mistress initially sent Wendy over the edge and into rehab for substance abuse, Hunter –co-creator of the show was attempting to remain on staff as an associate producer. Wendy agreed to this initially but now that a new allegation of infidelity has surfaced – in vivid detail, and from a male lover, all bets are off, and Wendy wants Hunter gone from the show.


According to TMZ:

“Our sources say the deal-breaker for Kevin Hunter is not about his duties on the show … it’s about Wendy’s mental and physical health. We’re told she’s doing great now, but our sources say it’s apparent Kevin’s presence on the set causes her stress.

Case in point … a week ago there was a major blow up on the set between Wendy and Kevin. We’re told security had to step in between them and Kevin was temporarily removed from the area. And, our sources say there have been several other blowups as well.“



Charlemagne The God of “The Breakfast Club” Discussing Kevin Hunter’s Alleged Gay Affair / Power 105.1 Radio -Youtube

Wendy has now admitted that she officially filed for divorce, sharing the news with her studio audience, stating she was moving on and “planning a whole new life for her and her son.”

In the meantime, news of her husband’s steamy, gay affair may add more contention to Wendy’s already fragile mental state.


A popular gossip radio show –The Breakfast Club, hosted by Charlamagne The God, played portions of a recent interview with R&B singer Aveon Falstar and Youtube personality Tasha K. In this exclusive sit-down, Falstar shares lurid accounts of his sexual trysts with Kevin Hunter. One allegedly took place in Hunter’s Fort Lee, New Jersey townhouse where according to Falstar, Hunter just let himself into the apartment one night, found Falstar sleeping in the nude and began performing oral sex on him.

In another more graphically shared account, Falster describes a moment of passion in a local sauna, where the two men allegedly performed oral sex on each other, then according to Falstar, “that’s when we did each other in the butt.’

As yet Kevin Hunter has not commented on this allegation, and some may question Falstar’s credibility. However, it’s important to note, Falstar gave his explosive interview to Tasha K in the presence of his new wife, spilling not just the tea about the alleged gay affair, but also Kevin Hunter’s abusive nature in general, toward him as well as Wendy. It’s not every day that a man would make such an admission about his gay sexual encounters, in such detail, in front of his wife, but Falster explains it as part of building honesty in marriage and coming to terms with his past.


In this case, however, the past is not so distant. The alleged sexual encounters took place in 2018, and though he admits he was not forced into sex with Hunter, Falstar claims that his reasoning for speaking out now is because he feels that Hunter took advantage of him as young, small town recording artist who was naïve to the entertainment industry.

With all the madness swirling around Wendy these days, honey, we are going to need a mop to clean up all this tea spillage!  How you doin?


This piece is an opinion piece by one Contributing Writer for Instinct Magazine and may not reflect the opinion of the magazine or other Contributing Writers.

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