Dr Brad Schaeffer Gives Our Hearts Some TLC With His Out & Proud Story

We had the chance to sit down with Doctor Brad Schaeffer (@doctor.bradley) from the hit TLC show ‘My Feet Are Killing Me.’ 

Now, most of my friends are all questioning my sanity when I mention I love to watch a show that deals with people’s problematic feet. Not sure if it’s the foot issue or the surgery issue, but damn, the show just sucks me in. 

And then they see Dr Brad. Yes, he’s fine looking man, but he’s also a knowledgeable guy that helps all of these people. Caring, intelligent, good on the eyes, what more could you want!?! Oh, and he’s gay.


I’ve been watching the show for all of its 4 seasons on TLC and patiently wait for new episodes.  The episodes are more than foot creams and scalpels as there are three doctors that are regulars.  They do not get too personal, but I did think at one time that there was a little bit of romance between Dr. Brad and Dr. Sarah Haller.  Seeing this made me pay no mind to any gaydar activity, which was also squandered by the fact that Google results reported that the dashing male foot doctor had been married to a female before. 

So it was to my surprise when Dr Bradley Schaeffer came out this year through a Today show interview, I was like whaaaaaa? 


Since I would be seeing this man on my television daily, I thought it might be time to have a little chat with the good doc. So we did. 

Jumping onto an Instagram Live with @doctor.bradley, a variety of topics were discussed with Dr Brad. Please take some time to view our InstagramLive we had, postd, below. 


Some of the Highlights of the Interview

  • Feet Feet Feet – Of course we had to talk about the feet, also touching on what he would do if he was not touching people’s lower phalanges.
  • Dropping/Avoiding those “Gay Things” in Conversation – We touched on how sometimes, when closeted, we would have to change how we mentioned vacations. Dropping the names P-town, Fire Island, Ogunquit, would set off some alarms.  And finally, realizing that activity was silly and didn’t need to happen anymore.
  • Letting our Family Help – We both had a family member assist us on coming out to other family members, he his dad and I my mom. That got me a little emotional, yet again.
  • Accepting vs Understanding – If you’re gay, you know. You know there is a difference between accepting and understanding and for some people around us, it takes a while to go from accepting to understanding.
  • Out and Proud for 10 Years, But Now Public – We talked about what might have been some of the catalysts for him to come out to the world now (as he was already out to those close to him) and why it was personally important and what that coming out has done for others.
  • How Other LGBTQ Members Of Our Family Helped or Were Helped – Our honesty and relationships with other queer members of our families have affected us greatly. 
  • Religion – Yes, we went there. We were both born and raised in a religious family, but how are we doing with that?  
  • Other Reality Show – If Dr Brad was asked to be on another reality show, would it be Survivor? Big Brother? His answer surprised us. 

Here’s our 25 minute chat. Enjoy.

I want to thank Dr Brad for his time, his honesty, and his down-to-earth approach.  We mixed a great deal of topics together, but the chat was open and candid.  We will definitely have to have another chat again.

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