Drag Performance So Controversial A Bishop Said Worse Than Deadly Plane Crash.

I think we need to go back to Gran Canaria right now! To see the type of performance below would be mind blowing.  Apparently, we are not the only one since a Bishop equated this performance by Drag Sethlas to be worse than a plane crash that killed 154 people.  Let's watch the possible NSFW performance and judge for ourselves.  I admit the first shots are pretty political and moving.







A Spanish holy man has come under fire for saying a drag queen who performed as the Virgin Mary and Jesus upset him more than a plane crash that claimed 154 lives.

Francisco Cases, bishop of the Canary Islands, attacked the “blasphemous frivolity” of the act in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria — questioning the limit of freedom of expression, The Local reported.

“I am sometimes asked what have been the happiest and saddest days of my time in the Canary Islands […] and which day has been the saddest,” he said in a statement to local media, the El Pais newspaper reported.

“Until now I would reply: the day of the accident in Barajas involving the plane bound for Gran Canaria. From today, I will say that I am living the saddest day of my time in the Canaries.”

Cross-dressing artist Drag Sethlas, whose real name is Borja Casillas, performed as the Virgin Mary to Madonna’s hit “Like a Prayer” as the audience cheered. – NYPost.com

For more on this, head over to NYPost.com where we hear more from the Bishop and the performer.  Sethlas said he never intended to “hurt anybody,” but admitted that he was looking to “generate controversy. I succeeded in that.”

Oh yes you did.

What do you think Instincters?


Epically amazing?

Went too far?

Art is art?

Let's hear your thoughts.


h/t:  NYPost.com


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