Escort Who Outed 40 Priests Speaks Out!

Escort Who Outed 40 Priests Speaks Out!


He Is An International Hero?

SCANDALOUS! Okay, so a few weeks ago we told you a male escort outed over 40 priests to his Vatican. Of course, someone who admits to sleeping with that many men…who have authority in the church, is going to cause a media stir. He was wickedly brilliant with his plot to expose – he had evidence on his mobile devices. The escorts loose lips literally turned his Vatican upside down…do you think the Priests will forgive him?! Well, the escort has been identified as Francesco Mangiacapra and he’s explaining his actions.

According to South Florida Gay News, Mangiacapra tells he wanted to showcase the ‘bad apples’ and not necessarily put a sour taste on the Catholic church. It appears that he’s actually quite religious, but was sick and tired of his religion being disgraced by these seedy Priests. It also appears he was once a Priest for five years. When he left his church, an angry Bishop – a like, mega Priest – allegedly, angrily discontinued his health insurance and made him pay his own student loans. The Bishop retracted his actions when Mangiacapra threatened to go to the media. So, since he eventually went to the media, was he just trying to get some petty revenge? Mangiacapra admits:

"I released this dossier because I wanted to expose the ‘bad apples,’ not to throw mud at the Catholic Church but to help her get rid of the rot that contaminates the healthy part. The behavior of these priests is, in many cases, the fruit of bad leadership in which priests are allowed to do the opposite of what they preach. Because they know each other, help each other and support each other together with their wide circle of sympathetic friends, I do not pass judgment on priests because they are gay. I like to think that the priests who have sex with me are not souls to be saved but only hearts and minds to be liberated from their hypocrisy. Basically, my sex work is a ministry similar to that of priests, but more scrupulous.”

You’ve got to check out Mangiacapra’s full interview HERE!

2 thoughts on “Escort Who Outed 40 Priests Speaks Out!”

  1. So what did they do to him

    So what did they do to him (personally) to merit being exposed?  …other than pay him and expect him to keep their encounters confidential? Spare me the righteous blather that the priests in question are hypocrites; they are no different than countless other gay men who live closeted lives because coming out would subject them up to contempt, ridicule, and loss of employment. If every hypocrite — gay or straight — were to be exposed, this wouldn't even merit a yawn.

    This man's escorting career should end because he can't be trusted. In the process of serving as a self-styled moral compass, he's made the lives of other sex workers that much more difficult because their own promises of confidentiality have been undermined.

  2.  A very brave man. It’s about

     A very brave man. It's about time someone exposed the seedy truth on the church. The hypocrisy, the lies, the church will never be the same


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