With Pride Month less than a month away, Entertainment Weekly is getting ready to roll out their annual Pride Issue. The entertainers featured on the 2021 Pride Issue multiple covers (Lil Nas X, Lena Waithe, MJ Rodriguez, and Bowen Yang) showcase not only different aspects of the entertainment industry but also the diversity in the LGBTQ community.
For the magazine’s YouTube channel, the celebrities answered questions posed to them while footage of their individual photo shoots was interspersed in the video. One of the things that each of them talked about was what Pride Month meant to them. Pose’s MJ Rodriguez explained:

“Pride Month to me means taking up space and holding space for others and also knowing exactly who you are and not being afraid to be authentically who you are and to never let anyone else tell you who you should be. You have the right to be exactly who you are.
The celebrities also talked about who inspires them and screenwriter/actress/producer Lena Waithe elaborated:

“I’m inspired by, I think, people that aren’t heard and people that feel like they don’t have a voice. Those people inspire me to make sure they have space to tell their stories. They inspire me to continue to tell my stories. That’s really what inspires me is just humanity and folks that are fighting every day to not be invisible.”
You can see the full video below.
The four also posed the burning questions they had for each other in another video.
Entertainment Weekly has a photo gallery of the photoshoots as well as the feature stories for Lil Nas X, MJ Rodriguez, Lena Waithe, and Bowen Yang on its website.
Entertainment Weekly’s 2021 Pride issue hits newsstands on May 14.

Sources: Entertainment Weekly, Entertainment Weekly Official YouTube Channel,